Yesterday was all cardio. Started with a 10 minute moderate run. Then did 20 minutes of intervals at 10% incline, 2 minutes fast walk, 1 minute run.
I put a reminder on my calendar for Dec 30th to decide/sign up. We shall see how much I run between now and then and go from thereYou MD/PA folks debating the 50K at Seneca, signup is open:
I'll probably wait until right before rates rise to make sure I stay on plan and avoid injuries but I'm planning to do it
I don't think there's a way to do this in the app, I've heard you have to download the gpx files, edit together, and reupload as a new (combined) activity, but I've never actually tried it first hand. My cousin that ran the same marathon as I did had to do this I'll ask her how she did...Garmin guys, need your help. I'm trying to program a workout so that I do a 10 minute warmup on the treadmill, 20 mins on the stair stepper, 2 mile cool down on the treadmill. I can set it up fine but when I go to do the workout the treadmill portion will only record 10 minutes, it doesn't record any running stats. I want the running portions to still track to Garmin Connect as runs. Is that possible? I feel dumb having 3 different workouts upload to Strava (like this morning) for this workout when it could just be 1 workout with 3 segments