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Quitting coffee


Well-Known Member
SH Member
Sep 26, 2022
I’m not sure why I’m doing it, probably has something to do with turning 50 this year and starting to face all that comes with getting old, but I’ve decided to eliminate caffeine. I enjoy the whole ritual of having a few cups of coffee in the morning, which I’ve replace with lower caffeinated tea for now. Seems to be going well so far. I don’t drink pop (soda) so I haven’t suffered any headaches thus far.

Just curious really, anyone else drink tea instead of coffee in the morning? Anyone completely caffeine free?
I quit drinking coffee last July and drink 2-4 cups of a black/green tea with raspberry everday. There's 70mg of caffeine per cup so it's almost as strong as coffee. I couldn't take the acidity from coffee anymore. The feeling of caffeine from tea is so much better. It's not as intense so there's no crash. Also doesn't make you instantly take sh*t like coffee.
Since I retired I've cut way back on my coffee consumption but I haven't completely stopped, nor do I think I want to. I still really enjoy a cup of hot black coffee. When I was working I had to limit myself to a pot of coffee a day or I'd drink it all day long. I made a pot in the morning and took it with me in a thermos. When it was gone I was done and switched to water.

Now I'm probably only drinking about a cup a day on average. There are some days that I don't have any and some that I drink a cup or two from coffee my wife makes before she heads to work or after she gets home. She's a pot+ a day drinker of coffee. I bet I don't make a pot per two weeks for myself anymore. I don't really notice an energy drop without it, but I do still enjoy a cup now and again. Never could wrap my arms around tea so that's out for me.

At remote deer camp this year I sometimes went several days without a cup but I still get caffeine withdrawal headaches so I eventually have to make some. It helps that I have some buddies that show up once in a while and I make a pot of coffee to BS over while they're around.
Just curious really, anyone else drink tea instead of coffee in the morning? Anyone completely caffeine free?

Not everyday but I drink tea quite a bit. Black/Chai tea I drink English style with milk added. For non-caffinated tea I drink the various fruit teas, raspberry, blackberry, citrus, etc.

The times I've stopped caffiene all togetther I find my energy level is more steady through the day, especially in the afternoon/evening. May not blast off in the morning but more energy late in the day.
I can handel the pac seat, buckets, and beast stand talks. I can take the scout more, buy less propaganda. FOC debates, how to or not use a cabiner or screamers and other safe climbing debates. But I will NOT! I repeat will NOT tolerate such hatred speech. Moderators. SHUT THIS MAN DOWN IMMEDIATELY!!!!! This man has been caffeine free for to long.

Totally Joking. I can see the up side. Seems way more up side to drinking tea over coffee. I have stopped drinking it a few times after being sick. Lasts about 2 weeks and something about the hot cup, smell and flavor call me back. I felt good those times when I wasn't drinking it. But not that much that I kept it up. Any day short of sleep or getting up extra early for work was way harder. Cup of coffee just gets me going a little faster on those days. Also helps keep the clogs out of my old drain pipe.
I used to drink caffeine whenever and in whatever amount was necessary or felt good. quit cold Turkey for almost a year about 5-6 years ago, after reading Matt walker’s book on sleep. It was terrible not gonna lie.

But I wanted to commit to rearranging my life around a good nights sleep.

First week couldn’t turn lights on be in sun much or really talk to people. Second week id just get headaches in the late mornings and early afternoon. But I was getting sleep back under control and it was helping. Third week I got into a somewhat normal groove, but I was way less productive though.

Once I got past that, and started to get a handle on all things that impacted sleep, I incorporated caffeine back into my routine. It’s pretty simple now - never past 9/10am at the latest - in whatever amount gets me going in the mornings. On a rare occasion I’ll have work I need to do in evenings or long drives that require a pick me up. I’m going on several years this way, and it suits me fine.

I probably shaved years off my life, and likely caused a lot of irreversible brain damage with the booze, caffeine, and crap sleep cycle. I’ll pay hard I’m sure. But I am happy I rearranged things when I did. It changed my life to the way good. And it started by taking a break from caffeine to do a hard reset.
I quit coffee a few years ago. If I have a really bad night sleep and have to work, I'll have a diet soda. It's rare though, like once every 2 months.

First week was rough. Bad headaches for first 2 days. I don't really miss it. I never really liked coffee, but the effects were useful at various times.

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We have 2 hands for a reason, so we can hold our glass of sweet tea or coffee at meal time. This was me for most of my life but around 38 years of age I started feeling a little sluggish with less get up and go. I love being wide open and never hardly sit at all.
Anyway, 16 years ago, I made a made a statement to my wife and 3 kids that I was done with coffee, tea and sodas. Well they all laughed and my 11 year old son talked a little smack which led to a challenge. 16 years later I have yet to have any coffee, tea or soda. I only drink plain water 96% of the time with the other being milk and an occasional orange juice, with maybe 1 or 2 social beers, beers only start 3 years ago. First 2 weeks being caffeine free were terrible but after that I have never felt better. It actually changed my entire family’s beverage habit. Tea started to slowly disappear from our refrigerator and so did the purchase of soda, not because I mandated it but because of the actual change they saw in me.
It was one of the absolute best life style changes I ever made.
My routine started with a pot of coffee a day. That lasted years because I work weird shifts, back then overnights or afternoons. It was the only way I could get through a workday and then all the activities with the family. Since switching to day shift about 5 years ago I’ve limited it to 3 cups a day and then water til I go to sleep. Cutting back improved my sleep for sure.

Seems to me I actually had more energy in the mornings back before I started drinking coffee regularly. Could be nonsense I’m not sure. I guess I’ll find out. Plus I’ve decided one bad habit is enough and I am fairly sure I keep Zyn in business.
I quit coffee several years ago because of it causing stomach issues, I now drink hot tea. If I want a little caffeine I drink Earl Gray but if you want to stay off the caffeine get you some tea called rooibis, it is fantastic with a little honey in it. I would recommend getting an actual tea pot with the diffuser and buy organic loose leaf tea, there is no comparison to it and bagged tea you buy from the grocery! Another great tea is Mint Medley with honey!
I actually have all kinds of teas here at my house and have tried most of them that I have came across, I’m what you might call a very humble type of Tea Snob, lol! God Bless!
I quit coffee several years ago because of it causing stomach issues, I now drink hot tea. If I want a little caffeine I drink Earl Gray but if you want to stay off the caffeine get you some tea called rooibis, it is fantastic with a little honey in it. I would recommend getting an actual tea pot with the diffuser and buy organic loose leaf tea, there is no comparison to it and bagged tea you buy from the grocery! Another great tea is Mint Medley with honey!
I actually have all kinds of teas here at my house and have tried most of them that I have came across, I’m what you might call a very humble type of Tea Snob, lol! God Bless!
Is there a tea pot that you would recommend?
Is there a tea pot that you would recommend?

Order some of this and give it a try.
Is there a tea pot that you would recommend?
I actually already did that. I like the stuff, but I find its price to be way to high for the amount you get. It cost me $30 for a container with 30 servings. Tea costs roughly .25 per serving, less if you go the common bagged route.