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2023-24 Trad Kills


Well-Known Member
SH Member
Oct 23, 2019
Central Arkansas

Always fun when the plan comes together.

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Well-Known Member
SH Member
Oct 26, 2020

Had a few doe come thru around 30 yards which is a doable shot but none stopped and the shot windows were small so I didn’t consider a shot. Second to last doe stopped and turned towards me and walked into 21 yards, quartering away, stopped and put her head down. I watched the last deer turn her head so away and I took full draw and let it fly. Hit looked great and they both took off into the woods. Within a few minutes I had more deer under me, one spike with a funky antler going down


As you can see from the picture the shot looked good, that’s going in and she was slightly quartering away. Full pass thru the cavity and arrow laying on the other side. Exit was a few inches forward and down an inch or two from the entry. I walked up to the car and dropped my bow off and waited until dark, gave her about 45 minutes before I started tracking. Well.. track was very tough. Arrow was laying where she was hit but no blood. No blood for about 40 yards then about 20 yards of good blood, quarter size spots here and there and then nothing. We searched hard on purpose going slow now that I was doubting my shot. We found one spot about the size of a quarter about 50 yards later. Figuring the trail she took we had three options so we just walked them. Last trail and about to give up until morning we walked up on a blood bed and her laying a few yards away. She went 160 yards before piling up and very little blood all the way until we found her where it looked like someone popped a ballon. Full pass thru, no guts - all cavity, no liver, no heart, touched the back of one lung but just a slice and I had to look hard to find it and nothing else major, exit about an inch lower than the entrance and about two inches forward. No idea how I didn’t hit anything else. The cavity however had every drop of blood in her filling it so I must have hit a good artery in there. If I didn’t know the woods I would have had a hard time tracking this one but overall I found her quick knowing where she ran. Keep this one in mind when you are tracking one that you find little blood on… sometimes the shot is decent but the blood trail isn’t.
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Well-Known Member
SH Member
Nov 1, 2018
It would be fun to add up the points from the “unofficial trade team” this season and see how the score competes with the rest of the teams.
I’m counting 56 pts so far which is a good lead! I’m hoping to put up some points soon too!
Gc 7 pt - 12
Mybow 8 pt - 13
Sdorton 11 pt - 16
Btaylor doe - 5
Jagger doe - 5
Kyhunter66 doe - 5