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Just moved to Central Arkansas


New Member
Nov 21, 2021
Central Arkansas
Hello all! I’ve been lurking on this site for a while, got a lot of helpful information and I figured it was past due to join. This is my first season in a saddle and I wish I would’ve made this switch a lot earlier!!! Im located in Conway and have been mainly hunting public land that’s a pretty decent drive from home so it’s limiting my time in the woods. Anyone local have any tips or tricks to get permission around Conway? Thanks for reading and have a great night!
Welcome from Texas. I've often thought about heading to Arkansas to hunt the Ouachita NF. Good luck!
I’ve been hunting Winona WMA that borders the national forest, it’s big country similar to the mountains of PA where I grew up. Only been out a handful of times, I’ll keep chipping away at it till I find a spot out there
From El Dorado AR. The western edge of the state has some good forrest, but I can’t help you much. If you head south holler!
Welcome from Bentonville Arkansas! I have been working to get permission on private recently as well