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Stock Trading

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
Just bought 100 TLT @ 162.605. Sell @ 164.10. Stop @ 160.10.
Care to share your thoughts on why you decided to buy? Always curious to hear others thoughts on buying stocks.
Care to share your thoughts on why you decided to buy? Always curious to hear others thoughts on buying stocks.
TLT has been making a 10 day cycle. It has been down for the last 5 days. I figured it should be time for it to move up.
Friend of mine made $88k on Fedex options yesterday. Options is essentially gambling, but that kind of win just makes me sick.
It doesn't really feel like work. It sure is stressful when things go wrong.
Friend of mine made $88k on Fedex options yesterday. Options is essentially gambling, but that kind of win just makes me sick.

He won't tell you about all the times he loses. Just like guys who tell you they sold before the crash (any crash) and then bought back in at the low point.....

Also like guys who take a 100 yard shots with a xbow/bow and send you all these pics over bucks...but don't tell you about all the times they wounded deer and didn't bother looking for them.....
I think the bond market closes early for drinks and so TLT is stuck. Tomorrow is another day.
I’m a buy and hold/ index fund lover. The day traders are up now but it won’t last. Once the market volatility settles down they won’t know how to carry on.

Day traders are screwed if they are depending on luck for their financial future.
Your now talking something i know nothing about but am extremely interested in learning

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