I hear a lot of people say they don't hunt til the rut and it always baffled me. Early season is my favorite time of year to hunt and if you can get a buck on a early season food source you have a great shot at him. Guys I work with always state the reason for not hunting early season is the heat as the main excuse. They say its miserable to sit there, the deer don't move til it's dark, the bugs make it worse. These are also the same guys that don't pay attention to wind direction, stand placement or a why a deer is using that location. Theyll see a rub or scrape pop up on the side of a field or road and sit there, even though the blessing area may be a mile from there. Being able to read hot sign and where to hunt is just a piece of the puzzle. I was looking back through pics and videos and came across this one and it's what gave me the idea for this post. Now this spot is great all year, just because deer bed within 100 yards a lot of the time, when it's super dry the only water for 1/2 mile is just out of the frame and I always have a food plot here. Note the time and temp. It sure didnt stop these bucks from enjoying a hot food source, so why should the heat keep you from hunting?