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Pa Public Mtn Buck 10/12


Well-Known Member
SH Member
Dec 9, 2016
I caught this buck browsing along a clearcut just off of a small ridge that dumps down into the cut. I first saw him around 7:20 this morning moving towards me. He had turned and was heading above me and was about to cross my wind so I decided to shoot. 31 yard shot with him quarting towards me. The arrow blew right through him and he took off and stopped around 40-45yds away. His tail was tucked, ears back and he was hunched. I thought about putting another arrow in him but he looked like he was about to go down....but he didn't.

I watched him bed multiple times over the next 3 hours, each time I thought he was done. He was only going at most 30-40 yds. Eventually I lost sight of him and I rappelled down to check my arrow and his beds. I found my arrow and good blood but it vanished quick.

At this point I SRT'd back up the tree and half way up I spotted him again, up and moving then bedding again. He was hurt bad and now only getting up about 10-15 yds and going down. I lost him again and finally got down with all my stuff.

I circled down below him by about 100yds and started slowly working my way to where I thought he was laying. I heard a crash followed by a flop and knew I was close. Again I tried to get above him so he wouldn't wind me and next thing I know I'm staring dead at him and he's staring dead at me. He bolted and crashed got up and kept going. At this point I'm sprinting with my bow right at him and after busting through some briars there he was down again but still alive. I took what I had and shot him in the neck at about 15 yds. That was it, he was done.
I have pics of this buck from the past 4 years I believe. Not sure on age but he's up there. Just an awesome hunt and I'm glad I got aggressive with him and didn't back out. I knew he was hurt and I had to take advantage of it.
Entrance hole:
Exit was where opposite leg meets his stomach. I got 1 lung and liver and he was tough as hell. Just an incredible mtn buck.
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Wow, that's a beauty, Congrats! Thanks for sharing the story too. Sounds like an exciting hunt. Way to keep after him, those one lung hits can be tough.