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2024 Getting/Staying In Shape Motivation Thread

I got hooked on these guys about a year ago. I have Sal’s book and several of their programs. I’m currently working through their anabolic program. It’s one of my favorite podcasts.
Oh yeah I’ve been with them since it’s inception they’re preaching the absolute right things and angles. I’ve always spoken out against fitness and health taught in schools or certs, I’ve been ACE certified since 2010 and I only held the certification to be able to train people and charge but as far as the info in the course it was mostly incorrect. What we know now about fitness and longevity isn’t even on the same planet as what I was brought up with, still wading through all the bro science is a task. The same thing that ruined hunting is the same thing that ruined the fitness industry, social media and advertising, on the flip the social media aspect of it has also opened a lot of eyes. One of the biggest lies ever sold to this country was the food pyramid.
Today was 6M easy, then 10x1min hard with 1min easy recovery, then easy to have 12 total. Went well, pretty happy with my 1 min hard pacing - was about 6:20/mile pace avg for the hards.

Followed by a strength routine.

I have a 1/2 marathon race 2 weeks from today. still finalizing my goal and a back up goal if I need one. Can finally see a weather prediction for 2 weeks out and it looks like low 40s and potential for rain, so that's not great. That stuff will change as we get closer though.

Anyone else have a race or competition coming up?
Today was 6M easy, then 10x1min hard with 1min easy recovery, then easy to have 12 total. Went well, pretty happy with my 1 min hard pacing - was about 6:20/mile pace avg for the hards.

Followed by a strength routine.

I have a 1/2 marathon race 2 weeks from today. still finalizing my goal and a back up goal if I need one. Can finally see a weather prediction for 2 weeks out and it looks like low 40s and potential for rain, so that's not great. That stuff will change as we get closer though.

Anyone else have a race or competition coming up?
Nothing serious any time soon for me, still focused on getting back in shape and then September half/October full marathon. I may do a 5 or 10k road race with my dad in a few weeks while visiting down in Florida but that'll be more of a slow/easy run for me (staying with the old man) rather than a race, even though we'd be wearing bib #s.
3.5 more to close out the week with 21.5 total, but almost 50% were fast, so definitely feeling it from the knees down and need to get back to that 80/20 ratio. Tomorrow is a rest day and next week is a step down week so likely aiming for only 18 miles or so and then bumping up to the mid 20s the week after. Building slowly but feeling good about sticking with it this far. Keep up the work gents, I am buoyed by your success as well.
Friday I did the 24.2 and it was a suck fest. Scaled a little, used 2x85 dbs for the deadlifts and did singles on the rope. I dont do doubles. Said more accurately, I cant and dont care too.

Yesterday was 5 rounds of face pulls, seated cable row, dips, pushups and weighted lunges 2x40 dbs. 10 reps of everything except the pushups and did 20 for those.
I need some new kettlebells and I'm struggling to find some for a reasonable cost. Have a preferred company/source?
Same. I've considered making my own with concrete ( https://rockweights.com/) but worry about the handles breaking or them chipping and dusting everywhere. Plus they would probably be huge to get a heavy enough weight. probably just keep an eye out at local auctions or FB marketplace
Those are interesting, I've never seen those before. Their kettlebell only goes to 40 though. And you are right the size will be quite large. I have a 35 and a 45, I'd really like to add a 55 for just a few exercises but can't stomach the prices.

yeah a yard sale or equivalent is probably the best option.

Tonight is 1.5m warm up, 5x1 mile repeats (7:30 pace) and a 1.5m~ cool down.
1.2 mile walk/trudge along a fire lane in the woods with diy harness pulling a wagon with a 6yr old and a 3yr old in it now that we finally have a good sunny day, didn’t time it or anything was more so for the grind and their enjoyment.
Those are interesting, I've never seen those before. Their kettlebell only goes to 40 though. And you are right the size will be quite large. I have a 35 and a 45, I'd really like to add a 55 for just a few exercises but can't stomach the prices.

yeah a yard sale or equivalent is probably the best option.

Tonight is 1.5m warm up, 5x1 mile repeats (7:30 pace) and a 1.5m~ cool down.
Running on purpose just sucks. ;)
I am going to miss a couple nights this week as I have to do my recertification classes tonight and thursday night and range day is saturday. That should go stellar considering I have not shot any pistol since bow season started other than dispatching a few critter we caught trapping.
Did an easy 3 yesterday, heading out for 4 ish today. Feels weird/too easy doing a "step down" week, but I suppose that's the point so I can keep ramping up over the next few.

Edit: had some difficulty pacing (ran too fast) for the first half, and felt sluggish (but on pace) for the second, so not a great execution today, but another 4 miles in the books.
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had some difficulty pacing (ran too fast) for the first half, and felt sluggish (but on pace) for the second
I struggle with this too. I always start out too fast. Been working with my watch to keep me on point. It's super annoying to have it always telling me I'm too fast or too slow. But I'm working on it and trying to lock in to different paces.
I struggle with this too. I always start out too fast. Been working with my watch to keep me on point. It's super annoying to have it always telling me I'm too fast or too slow. But I'm working on it and trying to lock in to different paces.
doesnt help when spring is in the air and the local ladies are out walking... lol but yeah i need to do a better job of listening to my watch when it beeps at me to slow down