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Official Contest Standings Thread

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Okay guys, here's roughly where we are starting. Other than @sdorton 's nice Ky velvet buck that hasn't been officially submitted yet, and will put Team 2 into second place, I think all the early contest kills I saw are accounted for now. Congrats to you guys with early openers, both for the success and the ability to get started before the majority of us. We're all jealous. :tearsofjoy:

Good luck guys as our seasons open and I wish you all a safe and successful season!

Like last year I'm going to try to post the current standings weekly, hopefully early in the week. My cell service can be sketchy at best when I'm at remote camp so bear with me if I can't get them uploaded while I'm away.

After the first week Team 1 has jumped out to a commanding lead with @mybow 's 8 point and some early season does including a double from @OspreyZB . Congrats on getting it done early guys, some of us can't even get in the woods yet.

EDIT: Updated to correct scoring mistake on @sdorton 's buck.

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Here you go @MattMan81! Congratulations to all teams as we're all on the board now. Team 1 still holds the lead from last week but Team 4 has made a big move this week with a pair of 8 pointers from @MattMan81 and @Lucky13 as well as does from @Amccormick and @mathhunter.

Updates could be a bit delayed this year. I have less than no cell service at camp this year and I had some life issues pop up on return this week.

Okay guys updated standings this week. Team 1 is still holding the lead but the big mover this week was Team 9 with a 27 point bump based on @bigcat93 's 9 point and @Glenn 's 8 point. Other notables this week include bucks by @Mschmeiske (Team 1) and @sureshotscott (Team 6 :D) .

Congrats on the successes guys! Let's keep it rolling through the "October Lull".

Standings update . . . Team 1 has increased their lead with a 6 point, upgraded later in the week to a 9 point, by @Freddybowhunter , a 5 point from @2Sloe along with a doe from @Weldabeast . Other notables of the week were an 8 point by @slonstdy (Team 2) , a 7 point by @Jagger0502 (also Team 2) and a 7 point by @bowhunthard88 (Team 9). Congratulations to all who connected this week. Keep up the good work guys.

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Alright guys, this is the last regular standings update before I head to camp for 18 days. Since I have next to zero cell service in camp this year I'll only be able update on the occasional overnight trip home for shower/more food and those occur based on the weather so no telling when the next update will be posted.

Big mover this week was my own Team 6 with a 28 point bump from a 8 point from @woodsdog2 and a 10 point from @DelaWhere_Arrow. Way to go guys! Team 8 also doubled their point total with a 7 point AND a doe from @Chad8489. Way to get it done Chad! In the other notable category was a big wide 9 point taken by @LtMoe66 (Team 9). Congrats guys.

Rut is heating up here in the northern part of the country anyway so now's the time to be out after them. Let's go guys!

Standings update this week.

You can tell the rut is kicking in, there were 18 submissions this week. Team 9 has overtaken Team 1 for the lead by a single point with an impressive 26 point week. Other teams with good weeks are Team 5 with 28 points and my own Team 6 with 25.

It felt like a good week for the Michigan boys as several of us who do the Michigan get together scored this week. In addition to my buck, @Boomah21 (Team 1) scored a beautiful 8 point and @Chrighton (Team 4) put down a magnificent Michigan 9 point. Congrats fellow Michiganders!

Other notable mentions include @shmelton (Team 5) with a beautiful 8 point, @MJH (Team 6) with a huge bodied Canadian buck, @Kuk09 (Team 9) with real nice 8 point and @Lucky13 (Team 4) with his second 8 point of the year (That's one heck of a contest doe @Lucky13 ! :tearsofjoy: ).

Congrats to all who were successful and rut is definitely going on here in the north so get in the woods and enjoy!

EDIT: I almost forgot, the Trad guys picked up 8 more points on a upgrade 8 point from @GCTerpfan (Team 9). Way to go!

Took the evening hunt off and came home for a shower (5 days was long enough), clothes wash and to let the wife know I was still alive. :tearsofjoy: Heading back early tomorrow so I'm posting standings tonight.

Team 9 still maintains a slim lead over Team 1 with Team 6 in third place. Speaking of movers, Team 3 has managed to climb out of the basement this week as well. There were 18 entries this week and some super nice bucks taken. Honorable mentions got to @Publiclandowner's 9 point (Team 1), @Glenn's 9 point (Team 9), @Lucky13's 10 point (Team 4), @Tim0712's 8 point (Team 4), @elk yinzer's 10 point (Team 3), @Mrdude's 11 point (Team 2) and @Gator's huge 13 point (Team 3).

I also have to give a special honorable mention to my Team 6 mate @Jpdarby2 who shot a magnificent 10 point from the ground (no contest points) and felt so bad about it (I made that part up :tearsofjoy:) he turned around and killed an equally impressive Texas public land 9 point from the saddle for us in the same week. Way to go @Jpdarby2.

The bucks are still chasing so its time to be in the saddle. Let's go get 'em!

Standings update: Team 9 still leads the way with Team 1 in second and my own Team 6 threatening in third. The big mover this week was Team 8 moving from sixth to fourth place with a 34 point week. Great job guys!. There were 21 submissions this week including some real nice bucks.

Honorable mentions include double does down for @Samcirrus (Team 7), @Tree2Tree (Team 9) and @BTaylor (Team 8/Trad). @NATHAN (Team 9) took a beautiful 10 point, @Blacksmith (Team 6) a nice 8 point, @sureshotscott (Team 6) upgraded with a beautiful 11 point, @neonomad (Team 3) a nice 8 point, @D.F.A (Team 5) and @Chuck2450 (Team 3) both scored super 11 pointers and finally @CooterBrown (Team 4) posted a really nice 9 point. Congrats to all of you who were successful this last week.

Keep up the good work all, we've got a monumental task at hand to catch Team 9 whose 150 points so far this season is impressive. Good luck and be safe out there!

Only 6 submissions this week to the contest. Team 9 still holds a pretty sizeable lead over the second place Team 2. Team 8 was the big mover this week and has moved into 3rd place with a five point buck from @EricS and does from @ScottL and @onestringer. In other moves, Team 2 stepped ahead of Team 3 in the standings with the submittal of @Mrdude's second buck (a nice 8 point but not an upgrade) and @Patriot's spike.

Feels pretty quiet for this time of year but it seems to indicate the northern rut is quieting down. Looking forward to seeing some more movement from the southern states as their ruts start to kick in. Good luck guys and stay safe!

EDIT: Some additional information comparing this year's contest so far to previous seasons I have data available for.

Note: The deer harvest totals count all deer submitted, not just those that ended up being the two scored for the contest. For instance if someone submits three deer including an upgraded buck all three deer are still represented in the count data but not the team point data.

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Alright, I missed last week's update, my apologies. No excuses, I just forgot so here's the latest standings update.

There have been 13 submissions over the past two weeks. Team 9 has increased their already seemingly insurmountable lead by 5 points with a a couple of bucks by @Micneador, a 6 point that was upgraded to an 8 point, to out score second place Team 1 by 5 points over that time. Big mover this week was Team 2 with a 27 point advance with a 9 point from @hambone and a 8 point from @Rutman.

Other notables during these two weeks were a couple of 8 points from @2Sloe, Team 1 (one was an upgrade the second was for no points), @BlessdHuntr (Team 7) with an 8 point upgrade and @JASmith (Team 5) with a double up on antlerless. Congrats to all you successful guys this week. To those of you still hunting keep up a good attitude and put some more points on the board. Best of luck to all of you.

Update for the week. Team 9 still holds a sizeable lead over Team 1. There were only 4 deer taken this last week. Team 2 has moved into third place with an 8 point taken by @Rutman. Other deer this week include does by @Boomah21 (Team 1) and @hokiehunter373 (Team 6) as well as a beautiful 13 point submitted today by @Jammintree (Team 3). Congrats guys!

It's been two weeks since the last update here so its time I give another one. Team 9 is still leading with Team 1 in second place. Team 6 has moved into solo control of third place with antlerless submissions by @woodsdog2 and @Blacksmith. The only other deer submitted in the last two weeks was an antlerless deer from @Pyronole (Team 4). Things seem to be winding down and a lot of our seasons have closed but its time for you guys with late running season's to shine. Good luck guys!

I've been a bit remiss in posting an update because there hasn't been much activity late this year. There have been two deer posted since the last update, both does submitted by @swing n fling (Team 7). Congrats on the late season venison @swing n fling !

Neither move the needle on the standings though. With just 4 days left Team 9 still holds a substantial lead over second place Team 1 and third place Team 6.

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