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Wild Edge Stepps ordered

They pack down really well - not as fast as sticks or spurs but comparable in weight. I carry 7 - 5 to climb and 2 extra to finish out my platform 7# all in and I’m around 23 feet with an aider (red method)

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Worried now that I should have went with 8ft ropes. Figured I rarely come across a tree for the LoneWolf sticks that I can’t climb. But I do keep an extension strap for the 1st stick on those occasions. Guess we will just have to see. I didn’t want a lot of rope to play with.

What size rope is @Cain using?
Worried now that I should have went with 8ft ropes
To be honest I'm having second thoughts on needing the 8 footers. I went with the eight foot ropes because I tend to try to position myself in pairs or clumps of trees where I can and these are sometimes large in diameter at the base. I felt I might want the extra length there so ordered the 8' ropes. Once on a single trunk though I really don't need that length. That extra two feet of rope x 10 stepps is an extra 20 feet of rope I'm carrying and trying to pack back into the carry bag. I'm seriously considering shortening the rope on most of my stepps to 6'.
I tend to hunt smaller trees since I started saddle hunting. I think the 6fters will be fine. Would like one 8ft for the bottom stepp just in case. Might eventually buy enough of the rope to make one.
What kind of eye splice is on there. Is it just like making a locking Brummel on amsteel?
I will probably only make the first 2 or 3 steps with longer ropes. I like to hunt multi trunked trees myself but struggle on some just to get up where I can put a step or stick. Been hunting places that were recently logged so I was in small trees and just high enough to shoot over cover using a hang on. Will be my first year in a saddle so I have a lot to practice. Have gained so much knowledge from here, really appreciate everybodys input on here.
I went back and forth on rope length and finally settled on 6 feet. Glad I did. Ya, there are a lot of big trees that I cannot climb, but I have found that those large trees are not best suited for a saddle and the ability to mover 360 degrees. So I made the decision to make sure I am going to be setting up on smaller trees. I figured I can always but new rope if I change my mind. 6 feet, so far has been great on my dry runs.
I have the 6foot rope and usually most of it is hanging down. I do not climb huge trees, so I personally would have no use for a longer rope. I am actually thinking of trimming down half of them to 4 feet.
To be honest I'm having second thoughts on needing the 8 footers. I went with the eight foot ropes because I tend to try to position myself in pairs or clumps of trees where I can and these are sometimes large in diameter at the base. I felt I might want the extra length there so ordered the 8' ropes. Once on a single trunk though I really don't need that length. That extra two feet of rope x 10 stepps is an extra 20 feet of rope I'm carrying and trying to pack back into the carry bag. I'm seriously considering shortening the rope on most of my stepps to 6'.
I went through a similar thought process. I ended up ordering some of the 6 ft ropes because the newer ropes are smaller diameter (less bulky) and then I used the 8ft ropes to make a couple extra aiders.
I tend to hunt smaller trees since I started saddle hunting. I think the 6fters will be fine. Would like one 8ft for the bottom stepp just in case. Might eventually buy enough of the rope to make one.
What kind of eye splice is on there. Is it just like making a locking Brummel on amsteel?
The splice is similar to the locked Brummel without threading the second end through the first before burying the tail. Don’t worry it comes with instructions and a splicing Fid when you order extra ropes.
Worried now that I should have went with 8ft ropes. Figured I rarely come across a tree for the LoneWolf sticks that I can’t climb. But I do keep an extension strap for the 1st stick on those occasions. Guess we will just have to see. I didn’t want a lot of rope to play with.

What size rope is @Cain using?
I didn't go with the 8 ft. Because at the time I was tying the knots the old way and figured it would be aggravating to pull 2 more feet of rope through the knots. However with the boyne bow hunter tie method this would be a non issue. The 6' rope seems to find to me . I don't see no need in changing.
Got them in today!!! Went right to the tree. Made the knot like I watched 1000 times. It didn’t work... had to look at the video again. Lol.
But I got it now, until I forget again. I need a little more practice but I can see myself using them next season. Glad I went with the 6ft straps. I don’t know where I’d stuff all that rope for 8fters.
Got them in today!!! Went right to the tree. Made the knot like I watched 1000 times. It didn’t work... had to look at the video again. Lol.
But I got it now, until I forget again. I need a little more practice but I can see myself using them next season. Glad I went with the 6ft straps. I don’t know where I’d stuff all that rope for 8fters.

Literally lol’ing right now.
I was working on a system with WildEdge steps and aider along with Red's climbing aider. Put a WildEdge step at 5 to 6 feet . Then put WildEdge aider on step and then hook up Red's aider and start climbing . Put one foot in WildEdge aider and then step up to Red's aider and then take WildEdge aider with you and climb onto step. Then repeat. You should get about 20 feet with 4 steps or if you want to take smaller steps use 5 or 6 steps.
I was working on a system with WildEdge steps and aider along with Red's climbing aider. Put a WildEdge step at 5 to 6 feet . Then put WildEdge aider on step and then hook up Red's aider and start climbing . Put one foot in WildEdge aider and then step up to Red's aider and then take WildEdge aider with you and climb onto step. Then repeat. You should get about 20 feet with 4 steps or if you want to take smaller steps use 5 or 6 steps.
That's a new one. Honestly, if you want to take the multi aider step approach just use the ropeman/tether from @redsquirrel method and clip a multi step aider into the ropeman carabiner rather than using a single webbing loop. Just remember to set you foot deep on the first step as this sets the spacing for the second (or third) steps. Works perfectly fine. Hardest part is tying a stepp knot above your head. 6 stepps to 30 feet is very doable. 5 stepps might test your skills. Have fun!

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I’m sticking with the Cain’s method. I have no problem pulling myself up to a step. I’m short so I get about 3 ft between steps making 6 steps to 18ft. No aider or linemans belt needed is a great thing.
I was testing them on a pine tree. Not the best tree to use. Thick soft bark makes sliding them up and camming over loose. The bark is too spongy so I had to keep resetting to get a good snap when it cammed over.
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To be honest I'm having second thoughts on needing the 8 footers. I went with the eight foot ropes because I tend to try to position myself in pairs or clumps of trees where I can and these are sometimes large in diameter at the base. I felt I might want the extra length there so ordered the 8' ropes. Once on a single trunk though I really don't need that length. That extra two feet of rope x 10 stepps is an extra 20 feet of rope I'm carrying and trying to pack back into the carry bag. I'm seriously considering shortening the rope on most of my stepps to 6'.

I bought the pack of 12 with 3 of the steps with 8’ ropes. I very well may cut at least one or 2 of the ropes back to 6’. If I order another set they will all be 6’ ropes. If you look at Drew’s WildEdge videos, I believe he is using less than 6’ of rope to demonstrate. The ropes look to be customized in the sense that they are shorter.

I bought the pack of 12 with 3 of the steps with 8’ ropes. I very well may cut at least one or 2 of the ropes back to 6’. If I order another set they will all be 6’ ropes. If you look at Drew’s WildEdge videos, I believe he is using less than 6’ of rope to demonstrate. The ropes look to be customized in the sense that they are shorter.

6ft seems perfect to me. I got a decent size tree in the yard and I have more than a foot of slack left which makes it easy to tie. I would rarely have to get on a tree much bigger. It would be nice to have one 8fter. My second step is around 6ft up so a 6ft rope should still work on a large tree at that height and up. It’s just the 1st step at the base that I might need an 8ft rope.
I wonder if there is a mod to make a quick extension in the field for those situations. I always carried a lone wolf extension strap for those situations. It was just a 3ft strap with loops on both ends that larksheaded to the existing strap. You never knew you were carrying it in your bag. Used it as a drag for hogs before. Handy to have.
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