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Your preferred resting place


Well-Known Member
SH Member
Aug 21, 2020
Westminster Maryland
I joked about having a Viking funeral recently. But it actually got me curious about if other really think what happens to their body after they died. Feel free to joke or be serious. My wife always said I belong to her to do with as she please when I'm alive, even in death she'll do as she please with my remains. If she wants me in a jar on the fire place, that's where I'll be.

For the most part I honestly don't care. I'm dead. The whole funeral concept is meant for the people that are left behind, its to help them heal.

But personally, I want my ashes scatter into the ocean. No grave markers or anything. I don't need or want people visiting me on weekends or holidays, go enjoy your life.

Recently I'm actually intrigued by natural burial. Like they don't embalm your body so it decomposed a lot faster. I'm ok with that compromise only if its not at a graveyard. Plots of land are so freaking expensive, and you know sooner or later its going to be sold to a home developer to bulldozed!!! So if laws allow it, I'm fine with being placed all natural with a few of my favorite things in my backyard and a tree planted on top of me. My remains will provide nutrients to the tree and family will have some place that remind them of me. Maybe someday thousand of years from now I'll be discovered and put in a museum, fine by me.

Anyone else want to be a smart ass or offer their serious view?

Heard you can have your ashes rocketed into space too now a days.
I am praying to be raptured out so this soul sack will be traded in for my Heavenly body but in the event I cash in while still on this planet I would like ashes spread in my favorite spot in my cedar swamp. I was thinking of pouring a cement slab with an engraved brass plaque with a favorite Bible verse so someone hiking might get some inspiration if they found it.
I am praying to be raptured out so this soul sack will be traded in for my Heavenly body but in the event I cash in while still on this planet I would like ashes spread in my favorite spot in my cedar swamp. I was thinking of pouring a cement slab with an engraved brass plaque with a favorite Bible verse so someone hiking might get some inspiration if they found it.
Maybe do a little research on cremation. For a Christian it doesn't appear to be the right thing to do.
I am praying to be raptured out so this soul sack will be traded in for my Heavenly body but in the event I cash in while still on this planet I would like ashes spread in my favorite spot in my cedar swamp. I was thinking of pouring a cement slab with an engraved brass plaque with a favorite Bible verse so someone hiking might get some inspiration if they found it.

Nice, that's very peaceful. Or not on a trail but in a real good bedding area. Maybe this? To show that they are in a spot with kindred spirits of the past?

Proverbs 12:27
"The lazy do not roast any game, but the diligent feed on the riches of the hunt."

Heck, might think about making it a little high off the ground. Just me, I wouldnt mind if they use it to sit on and ground hunt. Not trying to be disrespectful, I dont sit on tombstone for fun, but I'll be ok with enrgaving "Feel free to sit on this block, I'm rested behind you and good hunting"
Any ole pine box will work for me, I don’t really care. My wife however insists if she passes before me that I have her body cremated, hike to the top of a mountain, and spread her ashes in the wind. She loves hiking. I about can’t stand it if I’m not wearing camo and carrying a weapon but I love her so I go along. I keep telling her I plan to die first!
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There are plenty of saved souls that were vaporized on the battlefield so I would be curious of what scripture is referenced to support this view.
Haven't studied it a lot myself but what I understand its not a particular verse but more of a fact that, that is the way the pagans did it and not the way the Bible represents the Christians doing it. Not trying to start something. Just something to consider. Dont think the people on the battle field had any choice. I'm sure they would have chosen to go a different way if they could have.
I am praying to be raptured out so this soul sack will be traded in for my Heavenly body but in the event I cash in while still on this planet I would like ashes spread in my favorite spot in my cedar swamp. I was thinking of pouring a cement slab with an engraved brass plaque with a favorite Bible verse so someone hiking might get some inspiration if they found it.
Here lies a saddlehunter, blessed be the squeaky ropes and pulleys. Didn't go 20
I also don't care what happens to this shell when it is empty. Probably cremation for its convenience,unless my wife wants to hire someone to dig a hole. I would prefer composting over the fire,but in the end it doesn't matter much.
cremation or terramation, https://returnhome.com/return-home-process/, would be fine with me, and where those remains go isn't really a concern for me. I've got a deal with my brother in law that if mental decline becomes an issue I get taken to a big piece of public and left behind to finish my days however I can best manage though.

My father in law want the same thing. He said when it is his time, get him up to his favorite stand with his favorite rifle and leave him the hell alone.
I’m sort of weird about it all… I’m an organ donor at the moment, but I didn’t used to be, and sometimes I consider changing it…. The thought of helping someone makes me happy, but I also don’t want to be mutilated even after death. Cremation makes more since than burial, we can’t all have a spot in the ground somewhere, can we? But, I also don’t like the thought of being burnt up in the end, even if I am dead. Personally, I’d rather just be put in the ground with nothing and rot and decay my way back into the earths soil. But I don’t think we can legally do that anymore, can we?
I’m sort of weird about it all… I’m an organ donor at the moment, but I didn’t used to be, and sometimes I consider changing it…. The thought of helping someone makes me happy, but I also don’t want to be mutilated even after death. Cremation makes more since than burial, we can’t all have a spot in the ground somewhere, can we? But, I also don’t like the thought of being burnt up in the end, even if I am dead. Personally, I’d rather just be put in the ground with nothing and rot and decay my way back into the earths soil. But I don’t think we can legally do that anymore, can we?
Natural Bury is making a comeback in some places, it all depends on local laws
I'm an organ donor as well. If I can help a kid or something live a long life..... I would find great peace in that. My plan is to be cremated, other things may happen to me so if I do get a say its to be cremated and my ashes spread in the woods somewhere. If my wife and kids can get it back on the old milk can on the Southwestern corner of my grandparents farm in a funnel in the foothills of the Appalachians where my dad and I used to shoot a lot of deer next to my Dad's ashes, so be it. If not, they'll dump them somewhere else that gives them some comfort. This is our earthly body, we believers know this time is but a vapor. Eternal life should be my reward for focusing on the big man just by his grace, from the sacrifice of his son with the holy spirit working in us to see his light every day if we accept it. My brothers, I'm a wretch, I'm the least of the least as Paul said, we are nothing but for the Father. I pray you all worry much less about this life and focus more on walking with him for eternal saddle hunts indefinitely together. Please pray for me to do the same.
I'm an organ donor as well. If I can help a kid or something live a long life..... I would find great peace in that. My plan is to be cremated, other things may happen to me so if I do get a say its to be cremated and my ashes spread in the woods somewhere. If my wife and kids can get it back on the old milk can on the Southwestern corner of my grandparents farm in a funnel in the foothills of the Appalachians where my dad and I used to shoot a lot of deer next to my Dad's ashes, so be it. If not, they'll dump them somewhere else that gives them some comfort. This is our earthly body, we believers know this time is but a vapor. Eternal life should be my reward for focusing on the big man just by his grace, from the sacrifice of his son with the holy spirit working in us to see his light every day if we accept it. My brothers, I'm a wretch, I'm the least of the least as Paul said, we are nothing but for the Father. I pray you all worry much less about this life and focus more on walking with him for eternal saddle hunts indefinitely together. Please pray for me to do the same.
Amen. All glory to Christ