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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
The best luck I ever had not getting busted was the two seasons that I used a bee smoker on all my gear. I need to get back to doing that, but I’m lazy.
More info on the bee smoker please, piqued my interest


Well-Known Member
SH Member
Feb 2, 2021
Virginia Beach VA
I have had mixed results, but the noise is almost a deal breaker for me. I’m almost deaf and that thing makes it 100%. You can run it upside down, which helps a little. Did have a doe come by the other day and I could tell from her reaction that she got a whiff of the ozone. She didn’t spook, but she was on the edge of the wind so I wouldn’t cite that as proof. Weight is another factor. With a battery big enough to last a sit, it’s like a little chunk of lead. I have a friend that swears by his. He just bought the newest model and reportedly it is significantly quieter.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2018
I use mine every sit. Even if it doesn’t work I feel confident in it and isn’t that what really matters anyway. It’s hard to hunt the wind in NeFl all the time because it’s always swirling.


Nov 5, 2018
South Central PA
I've seen really great results from using it in a blind. To the point that I don't put as much into wind direction if I'm headed to a blind. Treestands are a different story... I bought it so I'll take it every time on presets (does make me feel better.) but I won't take it on run and guns.

John 35

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2021
I've seen really great results from using it in a blind. To the point that I don't put as much into wind direction if I'm headed to a blind. Treestands are a different story... I bought it so I'll take it every time on presets (does make me feel better.) but I won't take it on run and guns.
I’m pretty sure your not supposed to breath it in, meaning not use it in in enclosed spaces.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2022
Central Virginia
So i bought one and tried an experiment with it. I cooked a juicy steak and put it on a small table outside at the base of a tree. I had a box fan and had it blow air on the steak in the same direction the wind was blowing. I setup the ozone above it. Then I brought me dog outside and got her to walk down wind about 40ish yards from the steak.

Once she crossed the scent stream, she sniffed the air like crazy (put her nose up with her head back), but didnt look at the steak. It was like she smelled steak but wasn't sure exactly where it was coming. I let her just wonder and after a few seconds she started walking around sniffing the ground and air. Took her maybe 20-30seconds if I remember to find the steak.

I tried the experiment again later that day in a different spot and without the ozonics. As soon as she was down wind of the steak, she sniffed the air same as earlier, but then made a b-line to it.

This isnt a perfect experiment, my dog could have easily known the second time that theres a steak on a plate for me when my human walks me through the yard like this. Either way, she smelled the steak regardless of the ozone machine. But it did seem like it delayed her pin pointing it.

I ended up hunting with it a season, and had one encounter where I actually had deer in range to see it work. A group of does were walking along a trail and stopped down wind of me. they smelled me but not the same as if I didnt have the ozone. They looked all over and even up the tree right at me. Took 10 mins for them to finally turn back.

So thats my experience. Dont think it eliminates all scent but it seems to throw critters off a bit. I doubt it would work on a cagey old buck as they are less tolerent of human scent than does. Ive seen does scent me or other hunters and stop for a bit and either try to find the hunter or stomp and snort a bit before running. But big bucks When they catch your scent I have always witnessed them freeze for a split second and turn and bolt, sometimes they snort but most I find don’t. Either way, they do not pause and assess, the peace out quick.

So take all that for what it’s worth to you. I sold mine more cause it was just another piece of gear I had o deal with. I actually didn't think it was that noisy. The fan is just a dull hum.
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