With my hunting setup all dial in, I decided to play around and make a 3D arrow. But I was really surprised how much more penetration the 3D arrows were getting compared to my hunting arrows. I'm not talking about a few inches, I'm talking almost half an arrow length different in results. All arrows fly bullet holes at 20 yards paper tuned. Broadheads and fieldpoints hitting the same.
Mathew V3 27, 27.5 DL, 60#
Old setup: Easton Bloodline, .244 diameter, 28in, 400 spine, 100gr tip, 25gr insert, TAW 425gr.
3D arrow: Bloodsport Onyx .166 micro. 26in, 500 spine, 100gr tip, 60 gr insert, TAW 390gr.
Heavy Hitter current arrow: Axis 5mm, 28.5in, 340 spine, 200gr tip, 35gr insert, TAW 542gr.

This is at 20 yards, aim at the corner of the tape for heavy hitter since that is what the sight is tuned for, no surprise that the lighter arrow was higher due to speed, so I aim lower for the last arrow. All hit down the center but the micro arrow got A LOT more penetrations.

This is out to 30 yards. 3D micro arrow completely disappeared into the target block. Was even more impressed by the 3D arrow because the block was at an angle due to the heavy hitter moving the block to off center at impact. So the heavy hitter packed a punch, but the 3D arrow still penetrated better.

So out of curiosity, I put practice broadheads on them and test it out. G5 Montec and Magnus Stingers for the lighter arrows and Iron Will Wide 200 gr for the heavy hitter. I didn't take pictures of the broadheads test because the 3D micro arrow were getting complete pass-through! The result were similar to field points except more penetrations on average.
So based on result, I'm not sure I want to stay on the Ranch Fairy wagon anymore if the micro arrow wagon is getting me to places faster and with better penetration.
But I assume that there is an issue of KE that I'm not considering? That result on target block does not reflect the same result on a deer anatomy? That high FOC arrows allow for bone crushing, which I don't quiet agree with. I don't like that voice in the back of my head telling me "its ok to make a bad shot, the arrow will compensate for your mistake".
This was not a well planned out Youtube level test, just interesting observation from my backyard. Can someone please educate me on some important aspect that I'm missing? If not, I'm seriously considering switching from a 542grain high FOC arrow to a light 390gr micro arrow for my next hunt. Didn't ask this over at archerytalk because its has been argued to death and most of the time it turn ugly, just wanted to have a casual conversation with a smaller crowd. I'm aware that there is a lot of ways to kill a deer, and its all personal choice, but are you surprised by my test result?
Mathew V3 27, 27.5 DL, 60#
Old setup: Easton Bloodline, .244 diameter, 28in, 400 spine, 100gr tip, 25gr insert, TAW 425gr.
3D arrow: Bloodsport Onyx .166 micro. 26in, 500 spine, 100gr tip, 60 gr insert, TAW 390gr.
Heavy Hitter current arrow: Axis 5mm, 28.5in, 340 spine, 200gr tip, 35gr insert, TAW 542gr.

This is at 20 yards, aim at the corner of the tape for heavy hitter since that is what the sight is tuned for, no surprise that the lighter arrow was higher due to speed, so I aim lower for the last arrow. All hit down the center but the micro arrow got A LOT more penetrations.

This is out to 30 yards. 3D micro arrow completely disappeared into the target block. Was even more impressed by the 3D arrow because the block was at an angle due to the heavy hitter moving the block to off center at impact. So the heavy hitter packed a punch, but the 3D arrow still penetrated better.

So out of curiosity, I put practice broadheads on them and test it out. G5 Montec and Magnus Stingers for the lighter arrows and Iron Will Wide 200 gr for the heavy hitter. I didn't take pictures of the broadheads test because the 3D micro arrow were getting complete pass-through! The result were similar to field points except more penetrations on average.
So based on result, I'm not sure I want to stay on the Ranch Fairy wagon anymore if the micro arrow wagon is getting me to places faster and with better penetration.
But I assume that there is an issue of KE that I'm not considering? That result on target block does not reflect the same result on a deer anatomy? That high FOC arrows allow for bone crushing, which I don't quiet agree with. I don't like that voice in the back of my head telling me "its ok to make a bad shot, the arrow will compensate for your mistake".
This was not a well planned out Youtube level test, just interesting observation from my backyard. Can someone please educate me on some important aspect that I'm missing? If not, I'm seriously considering switching from a 542grain high FOC arrow to a light 390gr micro arrow for my next hunt. Didn't ask this over at archerytalk because its has been argued to death and most of the time it turn ugly, just wanted to have a casual conversation with a smaller crowd. I'm aware that there is a lot of ways to kill a deer, and its all personal choice, but are you surprised by my test result?