• The SH Membership has gone live. Only SH Members have access to post in the classifieds. All members can view the classifieds. Starting in 2020 only SH Members will be admitted to the annual hunting contest. Current members will need to follow these steps to upgrade: 1. Click on your username 2. Click on Account upgrades 3. Choose SH Member and purchase.
  • We've been working hard the past few weeks to come up with some big changes to our vendor policies to meet the changing needs of our community. Please see the new vendor rules here: Vendor Access Area Rules
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    • F
      Fzed1 replied to the thread Madrock Scare .
      I also had problems with C-IV and the Madrock. It would slip intermittently like others mentioned above. I’ve had no issues with the...
    • F
      Fzed1 replied to the thread C-IV slipping with Safeguard.
      I know this is old but to give an update for anyone else who’s had this issue, I have since switched to a GriGri+ and have had no issues...
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