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    • Lucky13
      Lucky13 replied to the thread Summer Trail Camera Strategies.
      This time of year I get to see what bucks are still alive. In a couple weeks they will have shed and I’ll get does and really big does...
    • Lucky13
      Lucky13 reacted to Maverick1's post in the thread LWCG stand setups with Like Like.
      Thanks, and agree. The MR stock configuration belt was one of the reasons I got rid of the MR 38 PU pack. The belt on the PU was...
    • Lucky13
      Lucky13 reacted to BowhunterXC's post in the thread Too Picky with Like Like.
      I'm not taking it the wrong way and I'll admit to seeing deer at distance or at odd angles and thinking...."If I had my compound with my...
    • Lucky13
      Lucky13 replied to the thread The New, New Gear. 2025 Edition.
      All this turkey talk hits home for me. This time of year I become consumed thinking about getting back in the woods with my shotgun and...
    • Lucky13
      I started with onx and tried all 3 over the years but I’ve stuck with onx for the simple fact of being familiar with it. SF is the...
    • Lucky13
      Lucky13 reacted to Estrn_hntr's post in the thread LWCG stand setups with Like Like.
      I wore Irish Setter Elk Tracker uninsulated boots for years. Picked my first pair of Crispi Idaho ll boots up this past year and...
    • Lucky13
      Lucky13 reacted to Estrn_hntr's post in the thread LWCG stand setups with Like Like.
      Micro doubles on the shelf for transport then shown with a pack attached to. Last pic is the new BWMG seat pouch Sent from my...
    • Lucky13
      Lucky13 replied to the thread Superfeet.
      I'm not a doctor but I do know that excess pounds put extra stress on your plantar fascia. Get well soon.. Hope the insoles help.
    • Lucky13
      Lucky13 replied to the thread Superfeet.
      I’ve found being in shape and not overweight more important than insoles.
    • Lucky13
      Lucky13 replied to the thread Too Picky.
      Mindset is more of what I was referring to. If the big bucks you were after show up at 35 or don’t set up perfectly… even if you do set...
    • Lucky13
      I can’t relate. The last several years I’ve called in bucks with grunt tubes and doe bleats. These Virginia deer respond well to calls...
    • Lucky13
      Lucky13 replied to the thread Superfeet.
      I put the Hike Support in a pair of mine. I’ve got 3 pair of Crispi boots and run the factory insole in the other 2. I don’t have...
    • Lucky13
      Though I’ve used hydration bladders in the past (still do for my dirt bike riding where they work well with my riding gear), since I’ve...
    • Lucky13
      Lucky13 replied to the thread Too Picky.
      ...kinda like hunting with a stick bow. Walking in the woods with that thing in your hand, there's the possibility of seeing the biggest...
    • Lucky13
      Lucky13 replied to the thread LWCG stand setups.
      I go back and forth about getting the ranger because I've got a .5 and ambush. Seems like I got what the ranger can do covered. I will...
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