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DIY scent control

Can't confirm or deny it was a cig but I've had deer downwind while I'm smoking plenty of times.....
one of my dad's buddies favorite thing is to sit in his deer stand (taj mahal) smoking cigars...he kills plenty of deer......personally I don't think it scares them too much
To that affect if it’s Mary Jane deer love that and I’d say it’s a deer attractant lol allegedly
Plus you can throw the cores down as an ‘attractant’….
For serious now.......I have the same thoughts as I'm picking foods to eat will out in the woods. Orange peels apple cores banana peels are getting thrown out there. Could we be charged with baiting? I think we probably could if u get the wrong officer. It's not "edible" and I'm not throwing it there in hopes of a deer/pig eating it.....I'm hoping that it will make a critter stop and smell in my shooting lane so I can kill it and the refuse can decompose enriching the soil.....I think I brought this up in the outlaw thread
It could happen.....a wma I hunt has a strick rule u have to be checked out 30min after official sundown. If I arrow a deer at last light I would have to phone in and let them know. A warden would met me and escort for the recovery. It's a military base so it has funny rules
Gonna toss this into this thread instead of starting another..
@Alec mentioned in the start em early thread about the kids bubble tape looking like a can of Skoal. Anyone have any experience to using chew as a scent control? Maybe deer don't mind some winter green?
Just curious. Not about to start chewing for scent cover.
Not technically used for the purpose of scent control, but never had a deer react (visibly anyway) to dip spit...
I have never seen a game warden more then 50 yards from his truck unless he was at the donut shop!
When I was in my early teens, had a federal warden hike a half mile across a field to check me dove hunting. When he got to me I was 2 shy of the limit and out of shells. He carried my shotgun back to the truck, where there were more shells, and checked it for being plugged.
oh yeah there’s no peice of public land a warden hasn’t been on or had a camera on. I was in Thistlewait one year across the big field at the entrance about 80 yds back from where the 2 pipelines meet, had a warden walk up on me from the southern direction, blew my mind said he parked at the station but the direction he came was waaaaay away from his truck and so was I. Sneaky they are. The only person I know that spends more time in the woods than (vigilant) wardens is my cousin who’s a land surveyor for RoyOMartin.
I’ve been listening to an Arkansas hillbilly Richard Fought who swears by Camo Dust, a repurposed chicken coop scent dust:

anyone have experience? We’re getting away from DIY here since this is in fact a product….
I’ve been listening to an Arkansas hillbilly Richard Fought who swears by Camo Dust, a repurposed chicken coop scent dust:

anyone have experience? We’re getting away from DIY here since this is in fact a product….
I see it's made in BTaylors home state AR. Maybe he can give us a report on it.
If he buys 2 cans he could save the dust socks that come with it and seed me the pair. I'm running low on socks!!
I see it's made in BTaylors home state AR. Maybe he can give us a report on it.
If he buys 2 cans he could save the dust socks that come with it and seed me the pair. I'm running low on socks!!
Havent tried it. Clifton Denney swears by it and he shoots good deer on the regular. Guess I should give it a try since it's made local and you need socks.
I should, in full transparency, and to my own shame - in the audience of my peers on this esteemed forum, I, the instigator of the DIY Scent Control thread, have acquired a ScentLok suit which I intend to use in pursuit of whitetails this upcoming season.

so much for principles...