I asked last year and I'll ask again. What worked, what didn't, what do you need or want to change next year?
1. My ebike I got this year is the greatest thing I ever bought for hunting. Full stop. It used to be a 1.5-2.5 hr walk in/out. I got burnt out extremely fast cause of that nonsense. Now it's an hr in and out from even my most remote locations. I cant emphasize how much more enjoyable hunting is because of it.
2. Bought the predator platform. I love the little thing. It's rock solid for me. Cams great. No wobble. Wish it was a tad bigger but it worked for lots of all day sits.
3. Fas pack. I got it for half of what it costs from my cousin. I love the thing. It carried everything I wanted including my heavy winter clothes with no problem. I didn't miss a waist belt.
4. IW single bevels 200gr buff head. First time trying SBs. They're 2 for 2. Not a lot to learn from just two kills, but they worked and resharpened right up and spun great. I love how easy the heads are to sharpen. I like the replacement blades because I use a dull head to sight in, then replace it with a sharp one and go hunting.
5. Tx5 gear minimalist tether. I freaking love this thing. So light and small.
6. One sticks. This was the first season of hard use. I love them. Had 1 stick get a loose step which tethrd replaced. I used the beast sticks twice and couldnt believe how bulky they were by comparison.
7. My 257 Roy I bought in January had its maiden kill the other day. Deer went 4 feet. Heart was completely vaporized. Me likely.
1. Tried the Proximity jacket again twice this year. Absolutely froze both times in just mid 30 degree weather. This thing blows. I don't care what anyone tells me. Wind comes through the sleeves and shoulders. The tight cuffs suck for layering. And it's the second jacket that tore on me in the same spot. Instead of them sending me another they gave me full store credit. Good riddance.
2. Fanatic bibs. They are extremely warm, and comfy. But they are just too bulky for my kind of hunting. No matter how cold it got this year I stuck it out in the Stratus bibs and made out okay. I'm gunna sell them and maybe pick up the Incinerator bibs that pack down so much better.
3. Tuff head SB 200 gr. I think these were pure garbage. I loved the idea of a Bishop like solid machined SB in s7. The machining on these heads was god AWFUL. Every head had a different bevel angle. For my kme sharpener I had to use both the normal and high bevel angle block because they varied so much. Then the ferrule on one was so fat that the diamond stone couldn't hit the bevel and just hit the ferrule.
I not sure what I want or need for next year. Pretty happy with everything. If the Vader platform doesn't kill anybody I may try it next year. I also need to start researching frame packs for packing out meat. I killed my buck on top of a remote Mtn, and my cart didn't work at all due to the sheep laurel. It was a nightmare getting him out. Packing out 100% moving forward.
1. My ebike I got this year is the greatest thing I ever bought for hunting. Full stop. It used to be a 1.5-2.5 hr walk in/out. I got burnt out extremely fast cause of that nonsense. Now it's an hr in and out from even my most remote locations. I cant emphasize how much more enjoyable hunting is because of it.
2. Bought the predator platform. I love the little thing. It's rock solid for me. Cams great. No wobble. Wish it was a tad bigger but it worked for lots of all day sits.
3. Fas pack. I got it for half of what it costs from my cousin. I love the thing. It carried everything I wanted including my heavy winter clothes with no problem. I didn't miss a waist belt.
4. IW single bevels 200gr buff head. First time trying SBs. They're 2 for 2. Not a lot to learn from just two kills, but they worked and resharpened right up and spun great. I love how easy the heads are to sharpen. I like the replacement blades because I use a dull head to sight in, then replace it with a sharp one and go hunting.
5. Tx5 gear minimalist tether. I freaking love this thing. So light and small.
6. One sticks. This was the first season of hard use. I love them. Had 1 stick get a loose step which tethrd replaced. I used the beast sticks twice and couldnt believe how bulky they were by comparison.
7. My 257 Roy I bought in January had its maiden kill the other day. Deer went 4 feet. Heart was completely vaporized. Me likely.
1. Tried the Proximity jacket again twice this year. Absolutely froze both times in just mid 30 degree weather. This thing blows. I don't care what anyone tells me. Wind comes through the sleeves and shoulders. The tight cuffs suck for layering. And it's the second jacket that tore on me in the same spot. Instead of them sending me another they gave me full store credit. Good riddance.
2. Fanatic bibs. They are extremely warm, and comfy. But they are just too bulky for my kind of hunting. No matter how cold it got this year I stuck it out in the Stratus bibs and made out okay. I'm gunna sell them and maybe pick up the Incinerator bibs that pack down so much better.
3. Tuff head SB 200 gr. I think these were pure garbage. I loved the idea of a Bishop like solid machined SB in s7. The machining on these heads was god AWFUL. Every head had a different bevel angle. For my kme sharpener I had to use both the normal and high bevel angle block because they varied so much. Then the ferrule on one was so fat that the diamond stone couldn't hit the bevel and just hit the ferrule.
I not sure what I want or need for next year. Pretty happy with everything. If the Vader platform doesn't kill anybody I may try it next year. I also need to start researching frame packs for packing out meat. I killed my buck on top of a remote Mtn, and my cart didn't work at all due to the sheep laurel. It was a nightmare getting him out. Packing out 100% moving forward.
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