I've got quite a list because I went on a spree late last year/early this year. See support thread for details lol.
Things I liked:
True Timber clothing - big sale after Christmas, picked up all new early, mid, and late season outer layers. Gloves, beanie, face mask, etc. Clothing is quiet, warm, breathable, and comfortable, and due to the big sale, I didn't pay an arm and a leg for it. And it's the Strata pattern, the sexiest darn camo pattern ever created.
Trophyline EDP - fairly light for its size, good enough size for my big feet, locks to the tree, feels strong and stable.
Trophyline double step sticks - feel great, decent weight for what they are, bite good, decent standoff distance from tree, nest together pretty good.
CGM Cobra Saddle - carryover from last year. Can't say enough good about the saddle or the company, or Jerry. Great products, and probably the best customer service of any company I've ever done business with.
CGM side pouches - big, quiet, roomy, hauls all my ropes and biners and other accessories. Easy to access, customizable, and they look darn good. Of course they do, he offers the Strata pattern.
Samson 8mm predator rappel and tether/linemans ropes- I'm really liking this rope. Light weight but strong, supple not stiff, packs down nice.
USA Pro/hangfree HFAS trucker style (with two hitches) - my favorite attachment method for my platform. The double hitches allow you to wrap around the tree, under the button, then through the first hitch, then pull back TOWARDS you, letting you put your weight into tightening the rope, rather than just using arm strength to pull away from you like a cam strap. Then the second hitch allows you to tighten the slack and lock it down. It welds the platform to the tree.
Truckers daisies - i use these for the climbing sticks. Light, fast, tight, and secure. Only struggle is sometimes getting the loop open to put the free end through before tightening. I may look into getting more Pro attachments like above.
Marsupial gear bino harness - not new gear for sure but new to me. Hugs tight without feeling tight, doesn't flop around, easy open/close to access binos and rangefinder, lots of custom options, and fairly light. No Strata pattern, but still looks sexy in Ranger Green.
M-TAC compression sacks size medium - found on Amazon, let's me stuff a 2xl parka and compress it down to about the size of a loaf of bread. My big jacket doesn't take up over half my pack space anymore.
Ocoopa rechargeable hand warmers - decent battery life, get very warm very quickly on both sides, high setting is almost too hot to touch, but on this setting i throw it in the little warmer pocket in my muff to create a pocket of hot air for my fingers.
Latitude bite bow hanger - light weight, easily attaches to gear strap, long arm to hold wide limbed bow pretty securely, packs down flat. Replaced a light, but bulky 3d printed bow hanger.
Tetherd HYS strap - this one is a love/hate kinda item. I love how it attaches to the tree, it's easy to hang stuff off the loops, it holds the bite bow hanger better than an amsteel daisy chain gear hanger, but it doesn't pack down very small due to the construction of it. I've been contemplating cutting a couple feet off the length to see if it packs down smaller.
Hangfree amsteel daisy chain gear hanger - packs down great, light weight, lots of length, loops are open loop so easy to hang stuff on, but slightly more fiddle factor than the HYS. Doesn't hold the Bite bow hanger as well.
Hollow Brand Alpaca Wool socks - expensive, but oh so soft and warm. Ive got both the crew and boot socks. The crew are nice for early season, wick away moisture, comfortable, and so far durable. The boot socks are thicker and warm, worked great down to the high teens-low 20s in non-insulated boots.
Vortex Rangefinder - works good in low light, red characters in display so easy to see in low light. Replaced a cheap no-name range finder that didn't work worth a crap in low light and cost me the buck of a lifetime due to that fact.
EWO Ultimate One stick - great one stick. Not much else to say that others haven't already said. Lightweight, bites like a pit bull, easy to climb.
High Speed Daddy lunchbag - I got the kids size, but as seen in the lunch packing thread, holds quite a bit. Veteran owned and operated company, decently priced and looks pretty cool as far as a lunch bag goes. Insulated with mesh zippered pocket on the inside. Has a carry handle with a quick buckle to attach to your pack, but i may see if Jerry can sew some molle on the back so it can be attached to a molle panel on a pack.
Stealthstrips - easy to apply, quiet, soft, and just drop dead sexy in the Strata pattern. Beats the camo hocky stick wrap i was using.
Dislikes -
XOP Edge platform - heavy for its size compared to others in the same size category, I struggled getting it to bite good at all, even with toe hooking.
Cabelas Bow and Rifle pack - pack is heavy when empty for its size. Almost 5 pounds for a 25 size pack. Lots of straps, but are more geared to pinching the packs pockets down rather than pinching things to the pack. No Molle. Waist belt only comes with one side pouch. Has these hard foam u shaped sections on the front meant to strap in a rifle or bow, and also to be used as a rifle rest, and they can't be removed. Worked OK to strap my bow down with on the pack, and my EDP the one time I used it that way, but otherwise they're bulky and I think should be removable. The cam/stock sling part that deploys out of the bottom of the pack is ok, but the little pocket it resides in is kinda small, which requires you to ball up the sling part to the size of a fist, and that is felt through the inside of the main pack compartment and takes up internal space in the pack. The only thing going for this pack, in my opinion is that it's Sexy. It's Strata pattern, of course.
Tidewe bino harness - one of the biggest pieces of garbage hunting gear I've spent money on. Can't be adjusted down to be small enough to be tight to the chest, so flops around all over the place. Sits on the belly, not on the chest, and that's on the smallest adjustment. I am not a small person.
Last Chance Archery limb lock kit - love the product, hate the fact that I had to spend over half the price of my LCA press for this add-on. It works great though, and makes putting the bow in the press much more secure, especially on past-parallel limbs.
Primos lil'shawty 5 in one deer call - this thing sounds like a child's kazoo toy. Ive never heard deer sounds like this thing makes. Wanna scare the deer away from you? Get this call.
I've had some more dislikes, but can't think of them right now.