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Guilty of baiting?

Allegheny Tom

Well-Known Member
SH Member
Feb 4, 2018
Western Pennsylvania
I'm starting a go fund me collection to bail me out of jail. Haha, just kidding so don't get your check book out just yet.
But with the ridiculous wording of the PA baiting laws, I wouldn't be surprised if a warden came knocking on my door.
Had this antlerless buck in my compost pile today. He seems to like grapefruit rinds.
I predict that this yearling will now have enough nutrition to grow a B&C rack next year....nah!

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I'm starting a go fund me collection to bail me out of jail. Haha, just kidding so don't get your check book out just yet.
But with the ridiculous wording of the PA baiting laws, I wouldn't be surprised if a warden came knocking on my door.
Had this antlerless buck in my compost pile today. He seems to like grapefruit rinds.
I predict that this yearling will now have enough nutrition to grow a B&C rack next year....nah!

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I hear adding cattle mineral to your compost pile will deter deer.....:sunglasses:
Wife and I tried composting but didn’t manage it enough. What works for you? If it works for the deer I’m sure it’ll work for our plants.
Wife and I tried composting but didn’t manage it enough. What works for you? If it works for the deer I’m sure it’ll work for our plants.
We don't really manage it either. We dump all kinds of organic stuff in there and I don't turn it as much as I should. Turning it adds oxygen to the pile which generates heat and cooks the viability out of seeds in the pile. It also helps to break down the contents. We just dump kitchen waste, potting soil at the end of the summer, and the ashes from our wood stove and it turns into beautiful compost.
I actually like that I don't turn it to cook the seeds because most years, it'll grow a dozen or so beautiful spaghetti squash right out of the pile. The deer don't touch the plants until the squash are all fully formed. Then they eat the crap out of the plants. My wife makes recipes from the squash and the seeds go back into the pile. Next year, it'll grow squash again.
Last week we had unseasonably warm weather here...had some sunny days hit 60 degrees. It was warm enough to get the honey bees active. I went to the pile and saw a few hundred bees feeding on stuff. They seemed like they really liked the coffee grinds.
When I plant fruit trees, I'll get a front loader bucket of the compost and mix it in with the fill dirt. My trees usually do pretty good.
Wife and I tried composting but didn’t manage it enough. What works for you? If it works for the deer I’m sure it’ll work for our plants.
Need a balance of nitrogen(green stuff) and carbon(brown stuff). Ratio thats normally recommended is 25-30 parts carbon to nitrogen. Need the nitrogen to burn the pile and the carbon to keep the smell down. Heres a good cheat sheet if you dont know what the ratios are in the things your adding.

Need a balance of nitrogen(green stuff) and carbon(brown stuff). Ratio thats normally recommended is 25-30 parts carbon to nitrogen. Need the nitrogen to burn the pile and the carbon to keep the smell down. Heres a good cheat sheet if you dont know what the ratios are in the things your adding.

I don't worry about the ratios. I just dump in what I have. When the bucket in the kitchen gets full I dump it. When my ash can gets full I dump it. At the end of summer when all my wife's deck plants are done I dump those too. We must be doing something right because the pile never stinks and it turns to rich, black gold. Coons and possums visit it too but we've never had rats get into it.
I dont know if mulch would be good for a compost pile but I just turned over some mulch around the house and its some of the finest black dirt I've seen. It looks like prize top soil.
Mods might want to move this to the general discussion page.
I started it just as an observation of strange deer behavior, but it's morphed into a discussion on compost which is fine.
I dont know if mulch would be good for a compost pile but I just turned over some mulch around the house and its some of the finest black dirt I've seen. It looks like prize top soil.
Mulch is good for compost. Some of the organic people get a bit antsy on it if its dyed mulch. Aged mulch will be basically all carbon. Fresh chipped, green wood will have some nitrogen in it. If you want to turn your deer carcasses, or any other carcass, into compost, just dump a load of wood chips/mulch on top of em so theres about 6" over top of the carcass.

Aged mulch is also a lot better for trees because it gets more fungal which trees like. just dont volcano mulch your trees.
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I'm starting a go fund me collection to bail me out of jail. Haha, just kidding so don't get your check book out just yet.
But with the ridiculous wording of the PA baiting laws, I wouldn't be surprised if a warden came knocking on my door.
Had this antlerless buck in my compost pile today. He seems to like grapefruit rinds.
I predict that this yearling will now have enough nutrition to grow a B&C rack next year....nah!

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You may have to adapt the wording a bit but I’m confident this is legally binding and will keep you out of trouble with green jeans IMG_6369.jpeg
Need a balance of nitrogen(green stuff) and carbon(brown stuff). Ratio thats normally recommended is 25-30 parts carbon to nitrogen. Need the nitrogen to burn the pile and the carbon to keep the smell down. Heres a good cheat sheet if you dont know what the ratios are in the things your adding.

Asking for a Freind… his compost pile needs more nitrogen… how much nitrogen needs to be added to a pile of corn to become compost?
I compost in 50 gallon drums with lots of holes drilled in them. When they are ready for the garden I move the whole barrel with a tree dolley or on the trailer.