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Michigan guy ready to buy a saddle.


Well-Known Member
SH Member
Jan 13, 2020
The Mitten
Hi guys. Long time Hunter here in S.E. Michigan. I have been watching The Hunting Public you tube channel and that got me following the hunting beast some, DIY sportsman to name a few. I came to the conclusion I dont want to hunt from a fixed ladder stand any more. I love the stealth and almost unlimited options a saddle brings. Even if I only hunt the same farm I have access to, or at the end of the season I started to check out some public areas to see what's there. So that's where I am at. Now I just need to pick out a saddle. I narrowed it down to 3. I think all are a good option. Not sure how many other options there are.
-kestrel flex
-tethrd mantis
-JX3 hybrid
I like the hybrid cause you can use it as a seat on the ground. One unit. Multi purpose. Not sure how much I would really use it if you have the option to easily get up the tree.
The flex seems like a can't go wrong pick as well. Haven't found anyone to say a bad thing about it.
Last was kinda the mantis. I looked a little to simple. But thenTethrd annoucned the Phantom. I think they may have just pulled out front. I like the options to be able to adjust my angle a little bit for a long sit.
Now as for me. I'm 6' and 265. Im an Electrician so harness are nothing new and climbing up things. I just want to make sure I get the right set up for comfort.
My second purchase I think will be for some climbing sticks. I think will be the best way to go for me. I like the helium sticks. But they say for a 9" tree of less. Can anyone confirm this? I see there are tons of mods out there people can do. I have more to look up on this.
So any input would be great. If anyone lives near by and wants to let me try there saddle let me know. Or climbing sticks for that fact. I see Tethrd has a free demo in March coming to Lansing at one of the outdoor shows. I will probably try to check that out.
Thanks again.
This is my first full season saddle hunting exclusively. I have owned the Mantis and a JX3. I hunt in Florida so our season is from September into January. It took me around 20 sits in the Mantis before I found my sweet spot. The JX3 is an awesome product that I was excited to hunt out of but by the time I received it I was dialed in with the Mantis and the JX3 felt to big and restrictive and I was willing to sacrifice some comfort for mobility and weight. I was leaning toward ordering a flex until the Phantom was announced. The issues I have had with the mantis are riding up, not cupping, sagging, and a fixed bridge. The bridge issue I plan on doing my own in the off season so I can remedy that but the other things are manufacturing things. The flex seemed to have these issues worked out but with the phantom coming out I will probably order one of those. As far as sticks go I have used the Hawks, XOP, and Muddy pro. I settled on the Muddy pro as my mobile sticks. The Xop I will keep for more permanent sets and I do not like the Hawks. They don't stand far enough off the tree and I don't like the was they set on a tree. The XOP stand offs bite well and those sticks carry good because of how they lock together but the lack of two steps and overall weight make long walk in a pain. The Muddy pros right now bridged the gaps for me. I would suggest trying some different ones if you have some people close by to get a feel before you end up buying several sets and do your own trial and error. The predator has worked well for me but I will be ordering the post pieces form DANO to replace the original one but other than that its been nice. I would like to try the RIdge Runner but have no plans to buy one. Im 6'1 255lbs if that helps on the saddle and ordered the XL mantis.
I have the JX3, the Kestrel and my son has the Flex. I'm in the East Lansing area. Let me know if you want to meet and try them out before you purchase.
There are a few more options out there just fyi. Some just have better marketing than others.
Some of the DIY ones are pretty comfy and easy on the wallet too if you're just looking to try it out.
I have the JX3, the Kestrel and my son has the Flex. I'm in the East Lansing area. Let me know if you want to meet and try them out before you purchase.
Thanks Steve. Maybe when it looks like the weather is gonna warm up a little and not be so snowy. Lol.appreciate it.
Some of the DIY ones are pretty comfy and easy on the wallet too if you're just looking to try it out.
I saw a few guys on you tube do that. Don't trust my self to do it safely. Injury or death isn't the option I'm looking for. Or even a close call for that fact.
I saw a few guys on you tube do that. Don't trust my self to do it safely. Injury or death isn't the option I'm looking for. Or even a close call for that fact.
You wear a rock climbing harness underneath which are substantially cheaper than a saddle yet still are load rated.
Thanks Steve. Maybe when it looks like the weather is gonna warm up a little and not be so snowy. Lol.appreciate it.

Another guy saw this thread and asked about seeing some stuff. He is coming to my house on Sunday at 10am. I have a post in my basement that we can hang on. Send me a PM if you are interested in coming out at 10am on Sunday since I'm already going to have someone out.
MattMan81 - According to the manufacturer - Minimum diameter is 9", Maximum diameter is 20". I can understand the recommended minimum but don't know why a larger than 20" diameter limitation unless it's the size of the strap.

Best Regards -
Thanks Richard.
I tried to look on line were I saw that. But I couldn't find it. It must have been a typo in the description I was reading. I didn't see anything about Max size in the description I was reading. Thanks for the clarification.