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Trad guys


Well-Known Member
SH Member
Mar 18, 2023
New to the trad side of things. Other than shooting every chance I get is there a one stop shop for new guy reading material about it?
Been trad a long time but I still visit sites like tradgang, tradtalk, stickbow and archery talk. PBS is a good magazine and I use to subscribe to tradbow. Oh and primitive archer if you get into selfbows. Not sure there is a one stop shop. Most supplies come from three rivers, Lancaster or online classifieds.
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One stop shop? The Push Archery. Tom Clum’s Solid Archery Program. Joel Turners Shot IQ. Set yourself up for success from the start and ingrain proper mechanics and shot process. Beyond that…shoot everyday, have fun with it and always end your shooting session on a good shot.
Only one advice, stay away from those recurve snobs, all the cool saddle hunters use longbow, you want to be cool right?

This is what people will see in their head when you tell them that you hunt using a longbow from a saddle.

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I don't mind not being cool. Actually, I take it as a badge of honor. LOL
One stop shop? The Push Archery. Tom Clum’s Solid Archery Program. Joel Turners Shot IQ. Set yourself up for success from the start and ingrain proper mechanics and shot process. Beyond that…shoot everyday, have fun with it and always end your shooting session on a good shot.
Great list of resources.
Money doesn’t change much in the trad world. Sure your bow will be prettier and your arrows will look expensive but the trad journey is more about shooting your bow with your arrows and finding what works for you over many thousand arrows launched out of your bow. It’s something you must practice all year long. It’s about practice and woodsman ship more than anything else. The KISS (keep it simple stupid) approach prevails in trad archery. Most important is to enjoy the sport and have fun.
And by the way, judo points and stump shooting will soon become cherished friends.
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So I'm actually going against the crowd in this argument. Trad bow gears have actually been more expensive for me then compound world. But this is by choice, which I think just depend on each individual. I never had more then 3 compound bows at any one time; main hunting, a backup, and a lower poundage for fun in the yard. If I get bored with a particular bow or sight, I have no problem selling it to fund a replacement. But right now I have 8 (I think?) trad bows and I'm constantly on the look out for my next one and don't plan on selling any that I have.

Someone on this forum told me once "Life is to short to shoot ugly bows!", I am fully on that train of thought!

Look at Creek Walker Trading quiver start at $275!

Money is there to be spend in quality and customization.
So I'm actually going against the crowd in this argument. Trad bow gears have actually been more expensive for me then compound world. But this is by choice, which I think just depend on each individual. I never had more then 3 compound bows at any one time; main hunting, a backup, and a lower poundage for fun in the yard. If I get bored with a particular bow or sight, I have no problem selling it to fund a replacement. But right now I have 8 (I think?) trad bows and I'm constantly on the look out for my next one and don't plan on selling any that I have.

Someone on this forum told me once "Life is to short to shoot ugly bows!", I am fully on that train of thought!

Look at Creek Walker Trading quiver start at $275!

Money is there to be spend in quality and customization.
Not hating on having multiple bows at all but there is a strong element of truth in the age old statement...Fear the man with one bow or gun or whatever weapon. Not posting that to imply anyone should dump all their bows except one but when it comes to killin stuff, the more time you spend with A bow, the more deadly you will be with that bow.
Not hating on having multiple bows at all but there is a strong element of truth in the age old statement...Fear the man with one bow or gun or whatever weapon. Not posting that to imply anyone should dump all their bows except one but when it comes to killin stuff, the more time you spend with A bow, the more deadly you will be with that bow.
No offense taken. Your view is actually a cold hard truth that I understand in my head, but choices not to listen in my heart. Fact is if we all only use one bow, we will all be better at it.

But again, the heart wants what the heart wants.
"Better Archery through aggressive spending protocols." I started with a Stalker Stickbow and in 8yrs have hit just about every custom Bowyer and some multiple times. I'm pretty sure that I'm making South's mortage payment for him. There has never been a time when I wasn't shooting his bows or waiting for him to finish my latest upgrade. In the last year I've had five different Stalkers hanging on the rack and just ordered an Apex riser yesterday...I'm also waiting on two sets of Supercross limbs from him too. You just have to accept the fact that you're paying for someone's time and artwork.

Money unfortunately is part of the game now. I used to buy Bob Lee's...I still own two but I've essentially been priced out of those and will probably never own another one. Just like buying a new Hoyt or Mathews every year and associated accessories. I cannot believe the price compounds, sights, stabilizers and rests go for now! Don't even get me started on a dozen arrows!

My wife believes I have a traditional archery problem but I just tell her this..."Be happy that its bows and saddle hunting gear and not hookers and heroin."
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Shooting the Stickbow, a very comprehensive book on everything traditional.