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Please Take A Few Minutes And Watch This Video (Covid-19)

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I'm not living in fear, I'm living in fact.
Spend an hour in the quarantine wings, your gonna need a vent in less then a month being compromised as you are.
If your healthy, you may get through it. But you're gonna know you had it for the rest of your life.

My son is an emergency doctor and he would agree with you.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
According to the New York Post dated April 26 Cuomo issued a directive to nursing homes to admit Covid 19 patients from other understaffed nursing homes which of course spread the virus like wildfire.
I am confused doesn't the virus have to be introduced into the location by someone? Are not these nursing homes not screening their employees daily? This virus doesn't miraculously appear without an infected person introducing it.

some people show no symptoms for one....
some people show no symptoms for one....

Last I heard it was 40-60% are asymptomatic.
CDC guidelines say if you test positive but have no symptoms. Go back to work, wear a mask and keep 6 feet away.
I don't see how that can go wrong.....
Is this dangerous for the elderly and those with comorbidities yes? Do I need the government to tell me what I'm allowed to do? no. People die from things all of the time. Stop being weak. We should have been back to normal weeks ago. If you are a healthcare worker and upset about your working conditions you are more than welcome to come work at a hospital in my area. So you can be furloughed, forced to use PTO, not able to pick up shifts, all kinds of good things. Hospitals are half-closed because of a lack of clients. For what? 60k cases nationwide? This is a joke.
Is this dangerous for the elderly and those with comorbidities yes? Do I need the government to tell me what I'm allowed to do? no. People die from things all of the time. Stop being weak. We should have been back to normal weeks ago. If you are a healthcare worker and upset about your working conditions you are more than welcome to come work at a hospital in my area. So you can be furloughed, forced to use PTO, not able to pick up shifts, all kinds of good things. Hospitals are half-closed because of a lack of clients. For what? 60k cases nationwide? This is a joke.

So I have a volunteer? I'll put you up in a hotel the night you come in. Pick you up in the am on my way to work.
On your own after that..... See who's weak then. Maybe stock up on Lysol to mainline when you feel the sniffles come on. That should do the trick
So I have a volunteer? I'll put you up in a hotel the night you come in. Pick you up in the am on my way to work.
On your own after that.....
I am above working in a nursing home or home health. Straight up. Hide in fear and let the adults make the decisions for the nation.
I am above working in a nursing home or home health. Straight up. Hide in fear and let the adults make the decisions for the nation.

Who's asking you to work.. I'll sit you in a lazy boy. All you have to do for me is inhale and exhale
Who's asking you to work.. I'll sit you in a lazy boy. All you have to do for me is inhale and exhale
Have you had an antibody test? Or anyone in your household? I'll hug every positive client you have. Pm me the address and paypal me gas money.
Considering the antibody test are nearly useless and you can get it more then once. No I haven't. I can tell you we have over 100 positives in a 400 bed facility.
You pay for your own stupid, I'll pay for your room.
Promise to hug everyone in your family when you get home.
I'm starting to see an upside to this Covid19, gonna get rid of a lot of mouth breathers and flat earthers....
Is this dangerous for the elderly and those with comorbidities yes? Do I need the government to tell me what I'm allowed to do? no. People die from things all of the time. Stop being weak. We should have been back to normal weeks ago. If you are a healthcare worker and upset about your working conditions you are more than welcome to come work at a hospital in my area. So you can be furloughed, forced to use PTO, not able to pick up shifts, all kinds of good things. Hospitals are half-closed because of a lack of clients. For what? 60k cases nationwide? This is a joke.
It's a virus. You aren't "weak" if you get a virus, it attacks literally anyone. There was a former TE from the 97 Michigan Wolverines that got it and had to be in the ICU. Little kids can get it and die, old people are the most likely to die. The point of all this is to PREVENT the most people from dying.
If we did your method; hospitals would be overrun with patients rural or urban. People who would otherwise beat the virus with treatment would die because the hospitals were full. Doctors and nurses who are in short supply would get it and die. That's just the first wave. The second wave will coincide with the regular flu. Healthcare supply chains would be fragmented so the normal flu vaccines would be in short supply, which would also kill thousands because of lack of ICU beds and ventilators. These waves would not stop until you A: Got a vaccine, B: Get a viable treatment, C: Social distance, D: 75% of the populations get it. It sucks, everyone wants to go back to work and go back to normal. I have a baby that's due in 2 weeks, do you think I want my wife to give birth in a hospital overrun with Covid patients and understaffed because of doctors dying? I also have elderly grandparents that I would like my child to meet. Get out of your bubble.
It's a virus. You aren't "weak" if you get a virus, it attacks literally anyone. There was a former TE from the 97 Michigan Wolverines that got it and had to be in the ICU. Little kids can get it and die, old people are the most likely to die. The point of all this is to PREVENT the most people from dying.
If we did your method; hospitals would be overrun with patients rural or urban. People who would otherwise beat the virus with treatment would die because the hospitals were full. Doctors and nurses who are in short supply would get it and die. That's just the first wave. The second wave will coincide with the regular flu. Healthcare supply chains would be fragmented so the normal flu vaccines would be in short supply, which would also kill thousands because of lack of ICU beds and ventilators. These waves would not stop until you A: Got a vaccine, B: Get a viable treatment, C: Social distance, D: 75% of the populations get it. It sucks, everyone wants to go back to work and go back to normal. I have a baby that's due in 2 weeks, do you think I want my wife to give birth in a hospital overrun with Covid patients and understaffed because of doctors dying? I also have elderly grandparents that I would like my child to meet. Get out of your bubble.
Your wife has a far better chance of getting something else in the hospital that will do harm to her or your unborn child than COVID. Please don't tell me about my bubble. Your grandparents should be self-isolating. They don't need to bankrupt others to do so and they certainly don't need all of these snitch hotlines and Gestapo police. I am a nursing student, my wife is a nurse. This is not doomsday nor will it be in the future when the next pandemic happens. As far as my weak comment, I was referring to a mentality, that you clearly fall victim to. There have been 20k confirmed cases in Ohio with 4K hospitalizations. Holy **** we best shut down the world for pneumonia every year. Keep your heads in the sand. That's a hugely scary infection rate of around 0.1%. In the scary state of Michigan, it's near a whole HALF a percent. No wonder you folks have to stay locked away from this scary beast. I won't even bring up asymptomatic cases. I hope you also take these kinds of "safety" measures for all of the dangers we face like this.
Your wife has a far better chance of getting something else in the hospital that will do harm to her or your unborn child than COVID. Please don't tell me about my bubble. Your grandparents should be self-isolating. They don't need to bankrupt others to do so and they certainly don't need all of these snitch hotlines and Gestapo police. I am a nursing student, my wife is a nurse. This is not doomsday nor will it be in the future when the next pandemic happens. As far as my weak comment, I was referring to a mentality, that you clearly fall victim to. There have been 20k confirmed cases in Ohio with 4K hospitalizations. Holy **** we best shut down the world for pneumonia every year. Keep your heads in the sand. That's a hugely scary infection rate of around 0.1%. In the scary state of Michigan, it's near a whole HALF a percent. No wonder you folks have to stay locked away from this scary beast. I won't even bring up asymptomatic cases. I hope you also take these kinds of "safety" measures for all of the dangers we face like this.

See you feel in November. I'm pretty sure it will be in your bubble by then
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