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    • enkriss
      enkriss replied to the thread The New, New Gear. 2025 Edition.
      I was pumped until the price and weight of the carbons. $2150 for the RX9 ultra 4.3lbs… 33.5 ata…. Gotta be under 4lbs for me to even...
    • enkriss
      enkriss replied to the thread New Cruzr Sticks.
      How does that attachment work?
    • enkriss
      enkriss replied to the thread The New, New Gear. 2025 Edition.
      Hoyt’s new hunting bows drop tomorrow. Might be losing a lot of money in their new carbon. Bowtech is releasing a 34” bow to replace...
    • enkriss
      enkriss replied to the thread LWCG stand setups.
      No… I don’t use a waist belt. I am more worried about the straps/rope of my sticks and meticulously wrap the up.
    • enkriss
      enkriss replied to the thread Quietest hunting backpack.
      CGM @always89y might be able to help you out.
    • enkriss
    • enkriss
      enkriss replied to the thread Tree Styx.
      Still using the GCone aider with them?
    • enkriss
      enkriss replied to the thread Tree Styx.
      Grab a beer and start reading. Toe room
    • enkriss
      enkriss replied to the thread Tree Styx.
      I am gonna order more. Do I really need that forth stick?…lol
    • enkriss
      enkriss replied to the thread Tree Styx.
      I bought more one sticks. But almost order more treestyx a couple times a week…lol
    • enkriss
      enkriss replied to the thread New Cruzr Sticks.
      Soooo… anyone try these Cruzr sticks yet? I haven’t seen a single review.
    • enkriss
      enkriss replied to the thread Tree Styx.
      You ask the good questions….haha I think I made glue as a construction material my #1 non starter for a climbing stick.
    • enkriss
      enkriss replied to the thread Sitka.
    • enkriss
      enkriss replied to the thread LWCG stand setups.
      Just screenshot the pic and post the screenshot
    • enkriss
      enkriss replied to the thread Sitka.
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