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      Halfstep replied to the thread Pipe and cigar talk.
      I have some Peterson Nightcap and it is pretty good, but I haven't tried early morning yet. The Nightcap lights and burns very well and...
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      Halfstep reacted to Marmuzz's post in the thread Pipe and cigar talk with Like Like.
      This thread inspired me to pull out an old pipe I have a smoke a few bowls of Captain Black. Definitely a relaxing time. I used to try...
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      Halfstep replied to the thread Tuning Help.
      With a very high FOC, you can have some issues with tuning. With a very high FOC, almost all the steering weight is up front and there...
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      Halfstep reacted to aclawrence's post in the thread Pipe and cigar talk with Like Like.
      One last gobbler for the season. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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      Halfstep replied to the thread Pipe and cigar talk.
      The guy on the pipe cottage sure has a strong southern accent. I watch some of his vids as well.
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      Halfstep replied to the thread Pipe and cigar talk.
      Most every afternoon, I sit on the from deck and smoke my pipe. There are 3 deer that come thru the yard most every afternoon and I see...
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      Halfstep reacted to gcr0003's post in the thread Pipe and cigar talk with Like Like.
      My second pipe smoke was more enjoyable than the first, but I over did it. I was trying to get the whole bowl charred and I was tired of...
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      Halfstep reacted to aclawrence's post in the thread Pipe and cigar talk with Like Like.
      Well I haven’t checked in on this thread in a while and it has had some action lol. Sorry to resurrect this one red beard. My wife is...
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      Halfstep reacted to gcr0003's post in the thread Pipe and cigar talk with Like Like.
      Welp, I’m not too proud to say I didn’t love it as much as I thought I would. Wife is happy about it. I may still try an aromatic blend...
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      Halfstep replied to the thread Pipe and cigar talk.
      It might take a little bit of smoking to get the taste for C&D Yorktown since it is a Virginia tobacco. Try a little Seattle Pipe Club...
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      Halfstep replied to the thread Pipe and cigar talk.
      I smoke a pipe and find it very relaxing and enjoyable. Since most guys don't usually inhale when pipe smoking, the addiction level is...
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      Halfstep reacted to Tr33_n1nj@'s post in the thread Pipe and cigar talk with Like Like.
      Check out your local shop for sure, but there will be more inventory online. Pipesandcigars.com used to be a favorite of mine.
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      Halfstep reacted to aclawrence's post in the thread Pipe and cigar talk with Like Like.
      I made a little investment to my pipe game today. Actually I was putting a piece of heat shrink on my cob and somehow got the plastic...
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      Halfstep reacted to Camelcluch's post in the thread Whats your preferred tuning method? with Like Like.
      I didn’t mention it before but I do all my tuning over time. I never do all this in one day. Again, it’s a process and can take...
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      Tuning is very subjective meaning the better one can shoot, the better the tune they can achieve. One can't tune better than they can...
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