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    • OSUTodd
      I've also wondered the same thing about guys looking into my electronics when I take the boat in for service. Are they looking at my...
    • OSUTodd
      I mark a tree in OnX, and snap a picture of it from the side I plan to approach from, sometimes two sides if I think I could come in...
    • OSUTodd
      I haven't washed my saddle yet, but am considering doing it before the season. But I do spray it down pretty heavily with one of the...
    • OSUTodd
      OSUTodd replied to the thread What am I doing wrong.
      I had this same thought Saturday while out setting up cameras. I walked through a few places and thought "fifteen years ago, I'd have...
    • OSUTodd
      OSUTodd reacted to Fl Canopy Stalker's post in the thread What am I doing wrong with Like Like.
      I’ll tell you something that was hard for me to learn and that’s hunt where the deer are, not where you want them to be. This area has...
    • OSUTodd
      OSUTodd replied to the thread Climbing Small Trees???.
      I'd do it, as long as the tree is healthy, and keeps its diameter high enough.
    • OSUTodd
      OSUTodd replied to the thread Jokes and Memes - NO POLITICS.
      Hunting isn't a hobby. It's a lifestyle. If it were a hobby, they'd have an archery section at Hobby Lobby.
    • OSUTodd
      OSUTodd replied to the thread Stinky Question.
      I've never had any problem with deer smelling my saddle gear. I always spray it down with Scent Killer or a similar product before I hit...
    • OSUTodd
      OSUTodd replied to the thread The Good? Old Days.
      This reminds me that I also had a stand that was just an 18" piece of 2x12, with a v-notch cut in each end. I had to have a climbable...
    • OSUTodd
      OSUTodd replied to the thread The Good? Old Days.
      I had one exactly like this when I was in high school. I carried it in about a half mile through pretty thick brush, and back out again...
    • OSUTodd
      OSUTodd replied to the thread Jokes and Memes - NO POLITICS.
      Wonder if that was Enos, or Rosco...
    • OSUTodd
      OSUTodd replied to the thread E Scouting Approach.
      I really like Google Earth and the ability to click back through older images that are taken in different seasons. In summer images, the...
    • OSUTodd
      OSUTodd replied to the thread What have you learned?.
      It's not a failed season to not get a buck. This year I had my goal more oriented toward a "large" buck than I ever have before. I'm...
    • OSUTodd
      OSUTodd replied to the thread What have you learned?.
      You can be in an area that looks trashed with deer sign - tracks, trails, rubs, scrapes - but it doesn't mean squat if it's all laid...
    • OSUTodd
      OSUTodd replied to the thread What am I doing wrong.
      My OnX app is littered with black icons. I put one down every place I find a stand, camera, cut shooting lanes, a place where someone...
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