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If you ever doubted how tough whitetail deer are

The edge of the wound is so clean that it does look like someone cut the back strap out. Bizarre!
Aliens....u guys very seen the cows they find that have been mutilated? Super fine cuts that supposedly can't be replicated with modern tools...
ET wanted some backstrap
The edge of the wound is so clean that it does look like someone cut the back strap out. Bizarre!

Yup. Straight cuts. Anything like a combine I would think you have broke his back making suck a deep gouge. And it’s only on one side the spine. Sure looks like a man made cut to me.
I bet he makes it. Neither body cavity looks breached, bright and alert, clean wound margins....figure he hit something sharp at high speed (or the something was at high speed).
Deer are tough for sure. I shot a three-legged one a couple of years ago. Could not tell anything was wrong with him as he walked through the woods. When I got to him I recognized he was the buck we had on trail camera for 3 years that we'd taken to calling "gimpy." On blurry nighttime pics (all we ever got of him) it always looked like he was favoring his back leg as he walked. Nope. Broken and gone just below the knee joint.
Neither body cavity looks breached, bright and alert, clean wound margins
That's what I thought too. Super-neat seeing inside components interacting with one another. Also, very interesting how there are no ribs showing.
That's what I thought too. Super-neat seeing inside components interacting with one another. Also, very interesting how there are no ribs showing.
Yeah, most everything looks to be above the transverse processes of the spine, except for the muscles behind the scapula...all superficial unless the retroperitoneal space was opened. I bet he tried to duck/slide under an oncoming vehicle. Heck, he's not even lame. If it doesnt get infected, he'll breed a few does.
Saw that video a couple of days ago. It's a shame he probably will die from an infection.
I bet he makes it. Neither body cavity looks breached, bright and alert, clean wound margins....figure he hit something sharp at high speed (or the something was at high speed).
I can't see him making it. Infection will get him eventually.
Wow!! Part of me wants to make horrible jokes, part of me doesn’t find this funny at all. I just hope someone is able to end the misery, and I’ll leave it at that.