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Poison ivy


New Member
Feb 25, 2022
Green saddle hunter here. I recently had some trouble with a tree that i didnt realize had a large poison ivy vine on it. Do you guys avoid trees with poison ivy or are there some tricks to deal with it?
If it was running up the tree, it was probably poison oak. Just about the same results. If you HAVE to hunt that tree, throw on some rubber gloves, cut the vine at ground level, grab the vine and pull slowly away from the tree. Drag it away from the tree, throw gloves away. DO NOT EVEN THINK OF TAKING A LEAK until you are completely showered. IF you get poison oak or ivy on you, wash with Dawn dish soap ASAP. Then, if and when the rash shows up, scrub it harshly with a brush, then apply bleach. Sucks, but it will help dry the stuff up fast. My advice is, find another tree. Probably be some more in there you didn't notice.......
Don't forget the active ingredient is urishol oil (the itchy part) and it will and can get on clothing... And last time I checked poison oak is a shrub or small bush not a vine! Also don t climb poison sumac trees!...thank me later
It amazes me that in 25 years of hunting 50+ times to the woods every year between scouting and hunting, I've never gotten poison anything in the woods. Might be pure dumb luck. Never even seem to have much ticks on me. Maybe the pumpkin blood repels them
It amazes me that in 25 years of hunting 50+ times to the woods every year between scouting and hunting, I've never gotten poison anything in the woods. Might be pure dumb luck. Never even seem to have much ticks on me. Maybe the pumpkin blood repels them

Same. Poison ivy doesn't affect me for some reason. I don't get any reaction from it. I find ticks crawling on me, but last time one actually bit me was probably over 20 years ago that I can remember. Mosquitos will land on me and fly around my face and bug the ever loving pee water out of me, but seldom actually bite me.

It amazes me that in 25 years of hunting 50+ times to the woods every year between scouting and hunting, I've never gotten poison anything in the woods. Might be pure dumb luck. Never even seem to have much ticks on me. Maybe the pumpkin blood repels them
Some folks are basically immune. I used to wade through the stuff. Got once in my thirties digging in the root system. I get a light rash now if I totally disregard the stuff.
Won't even think of climbing a tree with poison ivy growing on it. I don't seem to get it as easily as I used to, but maybe I've gotten better at recognizing and avoiding it.

The oil is in all parts of the plant - leaves, stems, berries, and vines. And it will also contaminate your ropes and equipment, so you can touch them later and spread it to your skin again. I've had mild cases show up from handling contaminated gear at home, weeks after the last time I was in the woods.
It’s on dang near every single tree in the area I hunt.. must be the perfect environment for the stuff. I’ve cut it down, climbed it anyway, and also avoided it. I basically have to scrub down with dawn dish soap and a rag after almost every hunt and I’ll still get a little on me.

The worst is the rope touches the poison, you touch your rope and then touch your pecker. It’s not direct contact so not the worst rash but it’s still awful as you would expect. I have debated on climbing with disposable gloves but it seems dawn dish soap licks it pretty well.
I dont get it as bad as I used to. Used to have to get steroids shots as a kid for it. Good thing in the fall it starts to go dormant so you dont get any of the oils on you as bad
My brother was 7 years older than me, still is, in fact. He got it bad. When he found out I wasn’t affected by it he and his buddies put on dishwashing gloves and tied me up with the stuff

I have another buddy that I think I could email him a picture of the stuff and he would be incapacitated.