Team 5 weakest link here
have had does in daylight after that rain, and firearm closing the 3rd. One out of range and another got spooked by a coyote.
I snuck out after work for a two hour hunt , closest I have gotten with the recurve all season. two does were held up checking the wind and were head pumping a little ,prob because I had a dark top on over my predator bibs, and my arm was falling asleep from holding my bow . I was in good cover so they never spooked but were pretty alert. I drew back but needed the bigger one to clear a branch to make a shot at my 11, or the other to turn a bit. They relaxed and worked to within 10 yards, but light faded and was after legal. I went through my draw cycle again when the biggest was full broadside and the trailing doe jumped a bit when I let down . then they slipped out past me.
I have 2 more days to sneak out w recurve , no arrows sent last few hunts and today . tomorrow west wind is crap for presets And I may be done Due to work schedule.
sorry I haven’t contributed any points. thanks for the support and hope you all punch a few more tags.
I needed a fun hunt like this , I take this way too seriously and needed a reminder of how enjoyable, exciting and uncomplicated hunting deer should be.
Merry Christmas all