Made it up to Loveland co for work.
Started off Monday with 3 hours of lesson with Tom Clum. Unreal what that man can do. I started with his foundation, and then take advantage of being able to get help from one of the best dudes in the community.
Today made it up to South Cox. I have been eyeballing his bows for a while. Noice gone through a number of bows last year. This is the first time I have been able to handle hundreds of bows and shoot them.
Walked away with a bow from his AH archery company. Colorado riser with g10 and redwood burl. I lived in the same small town as South in California, and we both left the same year. The riser wood came from that area. Took about 8 years to get together and let me spend money with him.
64”amo 59lbs at my draw.
Finished it off with 4 hours of fly fishing for cutthroat. I was able to get em hooked, but couldn’t net. Used to fishing with heavier gear and this was a little bit of a learning curve throwing 3wt line and flies.