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    • bigcat93
      The SR350 on comfort was a shooter for me, I’m assuming the SR core would be similar if you’re going that route. I’d also try out Elite...
    • bigcat93
      Got my kuiu venture 2300 in today! It’s super nice and a big upgrade from my old beat up bag
    • bigcat93
      bigcat93 reacted to kbetts's post in the thread How do you aim? with Like Like.
      So many are nieve to the capabilities of the human mind and body. It plagues us as a society and is only getting worse. Gotta teeter...
    • bigcat93
      bigcat93 reacted to BTaylor's post in the thread How do you aim? with Haha Haha.
      If you arent using the force to some extent, you're doing it wrong in my book. ;)
    • bigcat93
      bigcat93 reacted to JC3's post in the thread Took a Jump with Like Like.
      Couldn't agree more... And when the deer shows up, your mind will start stumbling, trying to process the "aiming" sequence that you just...
    • bigcat93
      bigcat93 replied to the thread Quiver recommendations.
      I just bought a great northern strap on quiver (non-adjustable) for my longbow and it’s rock solid.
    • bigcat93
      bigcat93 reacted to GCTerpfan's post in the thread How do you aim? with Like Like.
      I’m not a gap or crawl guy either but what you are trying to do is discussed in detail in this video. I think they set their crawl up...
    • bigcat93
      bigcat93 posted the thread How do you aim? in Traditional Bows.
      So as I’m getting more consistent groups I’m trying to come up with a good method that’s repeatable and most forgiving. I plan on using...
    • bigcat93
      bigcat93 replied to the thread Took a Jump.
      @HuumanCreed it’s great so far, and CRAZY quiet. Like almost no noise on a good shot.
    • bigcat93
      bigcat93 replied to the thread Took a Jump.
      Groups from this morning - was aiming at red dot. Trying to find a crawl that puts me 4-6” above POA. 1st pic is 13-14 yards, 2nd was...
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      • IMG_0153.jpeg
    • bigcat93
      bigcat93 reacted to krub6b's post in the thread Vanes with Like Like.
      I fletched a dozen arrows with Q2i fusion vanes and have had great results and durability from them. They were much more pliable when...
    • bigcat93
      bigcat93 replied to the thread Took a Jump.
      $640 I think total with tax and shipping. Been awfully hot here so haven’t done much shooting. Plan to get back to it this week hopefully
    • bigcat93
      bigcat93 reacted to Arkie's post in the thread The Unofficial Miscellaneous Trad Thread with Love Love.
      We moved into a new house last weekend and the floor plan we built has a roughly 12 x 6 room off of the back porch. I’ve converted this...
    • bigcat93
      I’m going to amend my previous post (#1,456) in this thread to include the CGM VICE carrier. I forgot this came out earlier this year...
    • bigcat93
      I would go 2300 - bag size is the same. Difference is in the capacity of it. Might as well have the little bit of extra room if you need...
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