"Hi, I'm the guy with no book bucks, wanna listen to me talk about my trophy hunting expertise awhile. Oh, by the way, my methods, they haven't produced anything record setting, so I'll focus on paying tribute to the proven methods of all these celebrity hunters even though I don't really spend any time picking their ears since they are out of state and not my friends so it's mostly conjecture that you could derive from their podcasts, books, and videos.....?"
Remember, not everyone knows who John Eberhart is when they discover his content. Folks can be pretty dismissive until bonafides are dished. Even around here, a bit of celebrity seems to go a long way. Maybe we could all be a little more open eared.
I won't say JE is anything like a hunting hero to me, but...I find him pretty authentic.
Sure he's proud, but it seems to me, much of this "bravado" stems from ardent faith in his approach, one that causes him some hunting success, and one that he seems vehement to share for more than just his benefit or ego from what I can surmise.
I can't pretend to know the motivations of JE. Stories like besting his friend by killing the doe that has been spotting his friend in a ladderstand by hiding behind the tree may seem brash...or are a great example of his passion about a tactic of saddlehunting. You pick.
Ultimately, I don't think he should give much thought to what is said about him here, but I get a sense he's the kind of guy who would. I think he wants folks to be successful, he'd probably relish being liked and respected as well. Maybe he even enjoys some recognition, sure, but his lamp isn't under a bushel solely to spotlight himself, it's casting some light for others too.
At least that's my take.
I find his relationship with Tethrd has been an odd chapter. But that's another take.