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Absolutely!! We all lose when things like this hit the papers, social media platforms and other communication venues. Unfortunately, many of the misinformed or uneducated simply group "hunters" together. You typically don't read many pro hunting articles like how does hunting benefit the environment and both game and non-game species etc. You just get the bad stuff!!
I'll throw this out there just because the cold air is making me frisky.

The same goes for vegans, animal rights activists, etc. For every PETA whackjob out there, there's many more rational people who have more-or-less solid arguments for treating animals better, and who are realists that acknowledge the need for compromise (IE, hunting is probably less destructive and cruel than mass-farming chickens, and at least for the moment the hunter conservation model is our best tool for keeping many species of african big game alive).

Food for thought.
I'll throw this out there just because the cold air is making me frisky.

The same goes for vegans, animal rights activists, etc. For every PETA whackjob out there, there's many more rational people who have more-or-less solid arguments for treating animals better, and who are realists that acknowledge the need for compromise (IE, hunting is probably less destructive and cruel than mass-farming chickens, and at least for the moment the hunter conservation model is our best tool for keeping many species of african big game alive).

Food for thought.
That might hold some water if hunters and hunting organizations were actively promoting and working for ways to take rights away from folks like your "PETA whackjob". And before any one chimes in with hunting isnt a right, in this state it is.
That might hold some water if hunters and hunting organizations were actively promoting and working for ways to take rights away from folks like your "PETA whackjob". And before any one chimes in with hunting isnt a right, in this state it is.
Hunters can be seen as taking a pretty big right away if you believe in animal rights. Right to life.
Haven’t gotten time to read through the replies yet.

With that said this to me shows that these people are unhappy. Have “it all” and still need to poach deer. It’s like nothing is good enough for them. I’ll take me being pumped to shoot a doe on public land over them anyday
Aren't there rivers in India that have "human" rights?
I'm really hoping these guys join Spook Spann, Charles Beatty, Noel Feather, Jimmy Houston....and all the others to form a huge Poaching Channel and teach us all how to cheat. If everyone does it, it is no longer cheating. Who's next to join them? Any odds on THP yet?
I think a lot of it stems from having created "a brand" and maintaining that brand demands that you create cutting edge footage on a really regular basis. Sometimes the pressure to do that will get the better of people and they'll cross lines maybe they wouldn't have to get it. That doesn't make it right but it does offer some explanation for the transgressions of some of the "Influencers".

I know I couldn't create enough footage from my last week of hunts to fill a 10 sec youtube short. :tearsofjoy: Unfortunately hunting and fishing are not always action packed.
I don't think that's insane. Kids are dumb. They're "supposed" to be. I'm sure half the kids in the 60s wanted to be Dylan or Jagger, and the kids in the 80s wanted to be Slash.

I'd be really sad if the local kids all realized at 16 that the boys were statistically likely to either work for the local utilities or construction firms, and the girls were gonna wear scrubs or sell insurance or real estate. Nothing wrong with that, don't get me wrong. But there's plenty of time to embrace the idea that your lie somewhere in the middle of the bell curve later in life.
I was gonna be the center fielder for the Red Sox. Life comes at ya fast. I’m 100% in agreement with you on this one; life sucks less when you have dreams and no one has told you they weren’t likely yet. Probably pretty likely we think that dream is dumb because we can’t relate to it.
I was gonna be the center fielder for the Red Sox.
Paleontologist for me. Then I decided I'd be Thoreau. Then Hemingway.

I guess I'm close now to the last one. I can write 99 pages of **** no problem. Just trying to squeeze out the one page of masterpiece and find a good wastebasket. ;)
Paleontologist for me. Then I decided I'd be Thoreau. Then Hemingway.

I guess I'm close now to the last one. I can write 99 pages of **** no problem. Just trying to squeeze out the one page of masterpiece and find a good wastebasket. ;)
Ahead of me. I wasn’t going to be a writer until I was in my late 20’s early 30’s. 40 now and I expect my next great plan will hit me any day. In the words of George Carlin, “I have lots of ideas. Trouble is, most of them suck.”
I don’t care for them at all, figured out pretty quick they weren’t my cup of tea. In my opinion they are everything that’s wrong with hunting today. That being said sounds like they got caught up with an shady outfitter the feds were after. Not saying they shouldn’t have known better but they weren’t the only ones either. Who knows what the outfitter was telling them or what they knew about. My gut tells me they are guilty of far more than the conspiracy to violate the Lacey act but honestly we’re never gonna know and clearly the feds had bigger fish to fry.
I don't think so.

Why does a teenager want to be an astronaut? Because it's awesome. Or, more accurately, it makes him feel awesome because other people think it's awesome.

Why does a teenager want to be an influencer? Because it's awesome. Or, more accurately, it makes him feel awesome because other people think it's awesome.

Teenagers are famously, astonishingly selfish and image-obsessed. That's normal. Just like sexual maturity causes a surge in sexual obsession as the body adjusts to a new system coming online, once the part of the brain responsible for self-referential thought comes online it causes a massive surge in selfish thoughts. Both generally fade in importance to the individual as they get used to it and the systems reach equilibrium. They grow out of it the same way babies grow out of putting everything in their mouths.

You can do good as an astronaut. You can do good as an influencer. But most kids wanna be awesome and make ****loads of money and impress members of the opposite sex.

well, the post of mine a few back that got this line of thinking started meant "insane" as interchangeable with "surprisingly high and perhaps worrisome".....i didn't literally mean that mass mental illness was afoot or that if anyone was crazy that it was necessarily the kids polled

but if one were to consider so many kids wanting to have social media careers as negative.....then you could see it more as a comment on society....i am worried about the shift from in person reality more towards digital spaces, i'm not sure what the end point will be and just because we go there willingly doesn't mean most would take that whole journey purposefully with full knowledge

if we lived in an economy that ran on potatoes....then all the cool kids might want to make french fries
Oh yeah, I was being facetious. We fully accept that some animals have some rights. Those crazy animal rights groups have at least some good talking points. And not all hunters are blood-crazed dentists and rednecks.
Other than aging, and Thoreau maybe, the other thing that has really softened me up over time, surprisingly, is running a lot of trailcams on one property. Watching two fawns without a mom survive the winter, etc.